16 | Liza - II

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Part II

Then | Summer 2017

July 30, 12:47 P.M.

The Date

I was always a firm believer of the fact that a high social status in high school was my basic necessity.

I believed you had no life if you weren't popular, wore the most fashionable clothes to school and had a shit ton of people following you around.

Daniel showed me how wrong I was.

He made me the person I liked, not the one I wanted others to like.

And Adam was ruining it.

Adam : u fucking bitch always ruining the fun

Adam : I know u took him somewhere else

Adam : dissy party pooper

Yes, he'd been drinking again.

I never knew how he found us in that tiny coffee shop, but he did.

Drunk Adam is meaner than Sober Adam, if that's even possible.

He came barging in with his camera, a vile shine in his hazel eyes.

"I got all of it! You're so good, Liz. Five boys in a month! Here's the tape you asked for."

I was defenseless. Because I knew he'd never attempt something like that without any kind of blackmail worthy, back-up material.

And I was terrified of finding out what that was.

A few seconds of yelling later, Daniel walked out of that shop without sparing me a second glance.

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