18 | Liza - III

23 9 2

Then | Summer 2017

July 31, 9:24 A.M.

I am such an idiot.

He throws the bait, every time.

And I take it.

Every. Fucking. Time.

I wasn't fully awake, but I could sense the headache building behind my eyelids already.

I remember last night, but, for once, I wish I didn't.

One shot after other. One sweet line after other.

"He left you, but I came for you, Liz."

"I wouldn't leave you like he did."

Stupid. Stupid.

He knew what he was doing. He was entertaining himself, so he'd have another thing to laugh about in the morning.

Sober Liza hated Adam.

Drunk Liza hated him, but still couldn't resist him.

Stupid. Stupid.

I felt myself being pulled into wakefulness, partially.

"I'll be there when you wake up, Lizzy."

I reached out, eyes closed despite being awake.

His side of the bed was cold.

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