Chapter 13: Nerves Means You Care

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{Shawn Mendes}

The intro to 'There's Nothing Holdin' Me Back' starts. I start practicing some falsettos. Andrew pats my back and I know that's my signal to go. I put my earpiece in, making my way to the stage. The fans start going wild as I make it to center stage.

"How you guys doing tonight!", I shouted. I start playing along with the intro to 'There's Nothing Holdin' Me Back' as the crowd roars.

"I wanna follow where she goes..."


"Gracie-poo!", I exclaim excitedly as Grace walks up to me from the black booth. She gives me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "You did great, Shawn.", she smiles. "Thank you, darling." "You didn't even look nervous. I don't know how you do it." "Oh, I'm always nervous right before a show. Right when I walk onto the stage, it goes away, though. But, I'm glad I'm nervous. Nerves means you care."

"You are so wise, you should have gray hair.", she says, playing with my hair. I smile into her hand as she caresses my cheek. "I have an idea, my love. How about we get into comfy clothes at the hotel then have a little date at the hotel, yeah? Does that sound good, my angel?", I ask her, as I tuck her hair behind her ear.

"Well, Mendes. You seem more lovey-dovey tonight.", she chuckles. "Sure. I would love that. Do you have something planned?" "I might have a little trick up my sleeve.", I say, looking away. (no, it's nothing dirty, you hooligans.)


I sigh when we walk into the hotel room. "It's been a long day.", she says, laying on the king size bed. "I know. It's only the first show and I'm already tired as hell.", I laugh, doing the same as her.

"So what are we gonna do?", she asks me, her hair falling in her face. I chuckle and tuck it behind her ear, cupping her cheek. "Well, I was thinking we could order some room service and then just talk. It's nice when it's just me and you." "I agree. I like that plan."

{Gracelyn Adams}

Shawn grabs the menu and sits back down next to me, flipping through. "What would you like, my dear?", he asks me. I blush at the pet name. "Umm, do they have any coffees?" Shawn chuckles. "Yes, you're in luck, darling. They have iced lattes." "Yes! Bingo, umm, order me a iced almond, well you know what coffee I like, and chicken strips with fries and ice cream." "Okay, are you gonna be up all night because of the coffee?" I shake my head. "Okay.", Shawn says, hesitantly.

Shawn picks up the phone and dials the hotel number, "Hi, yes, I would like to place an order."

"Okay, darling, they said the food would be up in thirty minutes. What do you want to talk about, my love?", he asks me. He props up on the pillows and I lay my head in his lap. I'm quiet for a bit. "Hmm, how about childhood stories?", I suggest. He starts playing with my hair and I relax even more into him. "Sounds good, darling. Tell me what you were like as a little monster." I slap his leg. "Hey, I was not a monster.", I chuckle.

"Anyways, I remember there was this time when I was 4 and my grandma made gumbo and I tried it and said 'yum, this is some good shit.'" Shawn busts out laughing so hard he knocks me off his lap. "I'm sorry, babe. I didn't mean to knock you off.", he says, pulling me back onto him.

"Goddamn, at the age of four? You were cussin already?", he asks. I nod. "Hey, I don't cuss that much.", I chuckle. "Hey, you never really talk to me about your family.", he says. I nod slightly.

"Um, well my parents and my sister, Sarah, all live in Toronto. When I got into college, I moved into the dorms on my campus in New York. I started working a lot so that I could save up money for the apartment I live in now.

'I haven't seen my family since college started. So, hopefully I get to see them soon. I used to live in Texas, so most of my family is over there. My great grandma and her son, my grandpa live over there and I used to spend all my time there.", I say, smiling at the thought.

"I remember when we were younger you talked about your grandpa and grandma a lot.", he says. I nod. "Yeah, I did. We had just moved to Toronto so it was really fresh. I missed them."

"Well, we can go see your family soon.", he says, kissing my cheek. I smile. "Thank you. We can go see yours, too.", I say, tracing my finger on the lines on his hand.

"That would be nice." A knock comes from the hotel room door, causing Shawn to get up and say, "I think that would be our gourmet meal.", causing me to laugh.


I wake up and look at the ceiling. Huh, maybe the coffee is keeping me awake. I feel Shawn's hands move lower on my waist and he sighs.

I smile and tap his head. He opens his eyes, looks at the clock, and says, "Gracelyn Marie. It is 3 am. What are you waking me for?" I chuckle. "I can't sleep.", I whisper. "I knew that coffee was going to keep you awake!", he says, sitting up. I giggle. "I lied. I knew it would. I just really wanted coffee.", I say, shrugging.

"Well, maybe we should just work you out until you are tired?", he says, putting his hands on my hips, causing me to lay down. "I like the sound of that." He starts kissing me, his lips slowly traveling from my lips to my neck. His lips stop right above my chest and he leans into me, whispering in my ear. "Are you ready?" I close my eyes and shake my head.

"I'm not. I don't think I can do it anytime soon.", I say, looking down. "Hey.", he says caressing my face. "No worries. We don't have to do that.", he lays back down next to me and wraps his arms around me comfortingly.

I smile, close my eyes, and try to fall back asleep.


Final edit of chapter 13!

What's yalls favorite song off of Shawn's new album?

I can't pick just 1, so here are my top favs:

Always been you (i love this song so much)

Call my friends

Look up at the stars

Teach me how to love

Also, it's so weird lol, his album has been out for not even a month and it feels like it's been out for forever lol. I know every word to every song. It feels like i've known these songs for years lol. 

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