Chapter 27: Free Breakfast

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{Gracelyn Adams}

"GET THE HELL UP!" I hear screamed in my face. I open my eyes, seeing Corbyn grinning. "HELLO!", all the boys scream at me. "Um, explain to me what the hell y'all are doing in here?", I say, putting a hand to my face.

"I let them in here.", Shawn says, walking into the room with my coffee. "And why would you do that?", I ask. Shawn gestures to the boys to explain. "Because, you didn't come over last night and we wanted to make sure you were okay.", Zach says. "And you did that by screaming in my face? Great job, I feel better.", I say, sarcastically. "Really?", Daniel asks, hopefully. "No, you assholes!", I scream, getting out of bed.

"I'm sorry, this is how she acts when she is woken up too early.", Shawn says to the boys. "Will coffee make it better?", Shawn asks, holding my coffee out to me. I give a small smile. He always makes me weak. "Thanks.", I say, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"How about we all move this to the living room?", I say, walking out of the room, all of the boys following me. "I'm making breakfast! Anybody want some when I'm done?", Kaylen yells from the kitchen. Everybody replies with yes and settles into their seats.

"So, boys", I say, sipping my coffee. "What have y'all been up to?" They all stay silent and look at one another, then looking at Shawn. I look at him. "Shawn, are you going to sit down? I specifically sat on the love seat because I know how you are.", I chuckle. "I'll stand here for a couple more seconds.", he says, glancing at his watch. "Wait, what?", I say, as the boys all start charging at me.

"Get her!", they scream. "WAIT!", I scream, and they all come to a stop. I set my coffee down and then say, "Okay, resume." "Charge!", they scream, as they tackle me in hugs. "Okay, okay! I missed y'all, too! Now, get off! Y'all know I don't like to be touched!", I chuckle, only meaning it half-heartedly, knowing I really did miss them. Almost 5 months without seeing my non-related brothers is way too long.

"She's right. She hardly lets me touch her.", Shawn says, as they let me go and return to their seats. Shawn sits next to me, putting his leg behind me on the couch and I lean into him, my back against his chest. "You are full of bullshit.", I say, making the boys laugh. "What's this seem like to you?", I say, gesturing to me laying on him. "This is you using me as your human pillow.", Shawn states.

I roll my eyes. "Yes, but, I'm also cuddling with you. I don't like to be touched but, I tolerate it sometimes.", I say. He chuckles, wrapping an arm around me. "I'm kidding, you're wonderful.", he says, kissing my cheek. "When did you say I wasn't?", I say, questioning him.

"I need your coffee to kick in.", Shawn says, rolling his eyes playfully at my attitude. "Shawn, man, I would stop talking if I was you.", Daniel says, nodding his head. I chuckle. "Danny, you always say the right thing." He smiles and looks away. Corbyn puts an arm around his shoulders. "That's our guy! The sweet talker! He's had it rough lately.", he says. All the boys laugh and agree. "Corb.", Daniel says, not wanting to talk about what I'm assuming is Sophia.

Kaylen comes out of the kitchen and sits next to Jack. He wraps his arms around her and smiles. "Breakfast will be served in about 40 minutes.", she says. "And what are we having, chef Kaylen?", Zach asks. "Cinnamon rolls.", she answers. "Homemade?", I question. She nods. "I taught my girl right!", I say, high-fiving her. "Grace, you literally made box brownies the other day.", Shawn says. I smack his stomach. "Stop it. Don't reveal my secrets.", I say.

"What secrets?", Jack asks. "She makes everything homemade. Like everything.", Shawn answers. "DIY queen.", Kaylen answers. "Except for when you made box brownies.", She says after thinking for a while. "Me and Sarah wanted fast brownies! So, that's what we bought.", I say, laughing. "They don't compare to your baking, though.", Shawn says. "Thank you.", I say, turning to where I'm laying on my stomach and Shawn's chest is under my head. Shawn arms wrap around my back and he rests his chin on my head.

"So, Kay and Jack, how have y'all been? You know, as a couple?", Shawn asks. I smirk and look at them. They both blush. "We've been really good.", Jack answers. "Yeah, really good.", Kaylen answers. "Have y'all used the L word yet?", I whisper. They nod their head. "Wanna know how?", Zach says. "Zach!", Kaylen says. "Yes, spill the beans!", I say, attempting to sit up, but being pulled back down by Shawn. I chuckle and get comfortable again.

"We were doing a rehearsal before a concert and we all played around singing random shit into the mics. And Jack burst out singing 'I Love You' by Frank Sinatra while looking at Kaylen. We all just kinda sat there and looked at him waiting for him to release what he was doing. Finally, he was like, 'Shit, sorry, Kaylen.' and she was like 'I love you, too.' and we all started clapping!", Zach finishes.

"Aw, that's so cute!!", I say. "I'm so happy for y'all.", Shawn says. "And how are y'all doing? You know as a couple?", Jack asks. I look at Shawn and he says, "We've been really happy." "That's all? Give us more!", Jonah says. "What more? It's simple. We are just really happy.", I chuckle. "Yeah, simply as that."

"Well, we are happy for y'all.", Corbs says. A ding chimes from the kitchen and Kaylen jumps up. "Breakfast is served!", she says, and all the boys jump up running to the kitchen. Shawn shoves me off of him, following the others. "Ow, thanks for that, Shawn.", I say, getting up off the ground. He winks at me at the kitchen door and says, "What can I say? I love free breakfast."



Final edit of chapter 27!

Down The Drain {S.M}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora