Chapter 25: I Won't Allow It

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{Gracelyn Adams}

"Oh, that stupid bitch.", Sarah says from her room. "What?", I ask. "Did you see what Camila commented on Shawn's picture?", she asks. My heart starts hammering in my chest. I shake my head.

"Let me guess. She said how hot he is.", I roll my eyes. She shakes her head. "No. She actually said that you and Shawn are just a PR stunt.", she says. "What the hell?", I say, grabbing her phone, seeing Camila's comment.

"She's such a bitch.", Sarah says. I read Sarah's comment and stifle a laugh. "Sarah, you can't comment stuff like this.", I laugh. "Nothings gonna hold me back from her. You better pray that we never meet in person. I will bust her up.", she says. "Girl. You've never even been in a fight." "Hey, neither have you.", she points out.

"Yeah, and that's going to stay that way for both of us. We don't fight.", I say, walking to the office, knowing Shawn is writing. He says it feels like he's outside, it has a lot of windows and plants.

"Knock knock.", I say, opening the door, closing it behind me. He smiles and puts his guitar down. "Hey, you.", he says, kissing me. "Hey. How's the writing going?", I ask. "Eh. It's alright.", he says. "Did you need something?" "Um, well. Did you see what Camila commented on your post about us?", I ask, holding my phone.

He shakes his head and takes my phone. "No, I haven't. Is she finally being nice?"he asks, before looking at the post. I give him a sad smile. He so wants her to get along with me. For my sake and for his. I know he misses seeing her. I shake my head. "I'm sorry.", He frowns, reading the comment.

"I don't understand her problem. She has never once said that she was interested in me. I've liked you for years. And she has known that. I talked about you all the time. Me and her were so close, we told each other everything. I wish she wasn't so jealous. I miss being her friend. But she needs to straighten up if she wants to mend this friendship. I will not be the one running back to her.", he says, sitting down.

I slide over to him and wrap my arms around his shoulders. "I hate this situation. I do wish yall still would talk though. I don't want to be the one causing y'all to not be friends. Maybe y'all can work it out.", I say, kissing his head.

"I'm not going to talk to her as long as she treats you the way she has been. It's not right. I won't allow it.", he says, running a hand through his hair. "Well, at least give her a chance. She's hurting. I mean, we all know how it feels to see the person you like with another person. It sucks. Just don't shut her down if she reaches out.", I say, giving him one more quick kiss and leaving him to the song writing.



final edit of chapter 25!

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