Chapter 22: I Promise

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{Shawn Mendes}

I make my way to my seat, just as Beyonce gets on stage. "Where's Grace?", Ellie asks as soon as I sit down. "Damn, Ellie, why don't you let me breathe?", I snap. "Woah, Mendes, what's wrong?", Josiah asks. "Yeah, there's no reason to snap at her like that.", Zubin says. "Nothing. I'm fine. Grace went to the hotel. It doesn't matter." "It doesn't matter? Clearly it does. What happened?", Andrew asks. "It's none of y'alls business!", I exclaim. "Shawn. People are starting to stare. Quit. Just tell us what happened." "Damn it, we got in an argument. Is that what you wanted to hear?", I ask, looking at Andrew, glaring.

He sighs. "I know you are hurting right now, but you can't call attention to yourself right now. Now isn't the time. Can you tell us why y'all got in an argument?", he asks. I shake my head. I hear Ellie sigh. Andrew looks at Ellie and says, "Do you know? Did Grace tell you?" She rolls her eyes. "Yeah. But it's not my business to tell. It's between them two.", she says, pointing at me. "Look, just forget any of this happened right now. We will discuss it after the show.", Andrew says.


I put the hotel key in the slot on the suite door, hearing it click open and open the door. I see Grace sleeping on one of the couches, a pizza box sitting on the table and The Office reruns on the tv. Her go-to routine when she is sad. I smile to myself. I turn the TV off and go to her, putting a hand under her legs and a hand behind her back. "Put me down.", she mumbles, not even opening her eyes.

"I'll sleep on the couch, hun. You go sleep in the bed.", I say to her. "No.", she says, climbing out of my arms. She puts a blanket around her and lays on the couch. I sigh. I guess I couldn't win her back by bringing her to bed.


{Gracelyn Adams}

"Grace, come on.", I feel somebody rub my shoulder. "Shawn, go away!", I exclaim, opening my eyes, shocked to see Ellie. "Ellie? What?", I ask. "Come on. You can sleep with me tonight. It's definitely more comfortable than a couch.", she says, helping me up. She wraps an arm around my shoulders and I lay my head on her shoulder as we walk to her room.

"Thanks, El.", I say. "It's what I'm here for. I'm here for you.", she says, climbing into bed, me following her. She turns off the light, putting us in darkness. "Do you want to talk about it?", she asks. "I just don't understand him. Or her. What did I do to her?", I ask. "Well, one, she wants Shawn. So, she is pissed that you have him and she doesn't.", she says. "Ugh. Girls are complicated. Boys are complicated. She was a freaking bitch to me and he didn't say anything. Nothing.", I say, tears welling up in my eyes.

"Hey.", Ellie says, wiping my tears. "She isn't worth your time or tears. I know, I know. I know it was embarrassing. I know. But, she's a bitch and does not matter. Okay? She doesn't matter. What matters is you and Shawn getting back on good terms.", she states.

I nod. "You're right.", I say, rubbing my eyes. "Get some sleep. You got a busy day tomorrow.", she says, flipping over. "With what?", I question. "With playing hard to get. You can't let Shawn get you back too easy.", she laughs. "Good night, Ellie.", I say, yawning. "Good night, Grace."


{Shawn Mendes}

I wake up, my hand immediately feeling the empty side of the bed, causing me to frown. I get up and quietly open the bedroom door, peeking into the empty living room, no one in sight.

I open my phone and text Grace:

Me: where are you?

Grace: ellie's room.

Me: Did you sleep on the couch?

Grace: no. I slept in here.

Me: Okay. Can we talk?

Grace: idk

I quickly order her favorite coffee and text her back.

Me: I just ordered coffee.

Grace: ill be out in five

I smile smally at her reaction to the coffee. It always wins her over. Well, hopefully. We've never fought before. So, I don't really know what I'm doing.

She walks out of Ellie's room, just as I close the door, bringing her coffee to her.

"Morning.", I smile. "Morning. This won't make up for anything.", she says, playing with her fingers, looking at the ground. "I know. But, can I at least talk to you about it?", I ask. She nods. "Okay." She sits down at the couch across from me.

"I was wrong last night." She takes a sip of her coffee. "Mhm." "I should have stood up for you against Camilla. She was very rude to you and I don't like it.", I say. "It didn't seem like you cared last night.", she says, looking at me. "Do you even know what it feels like to be insulted and then your person not stand up for you? It sucks, if you don't know. It sucks.", she says.

"I am so sorry she made you feel that way. I'm never gonna let her push you or me around like that again. Even if it ruins her and I's friendship. She can't be mean to someone like that. Especially if that someone is you.", I say. She blushes and looks down. "Thank you. You are forgiven on that part." "Perfect. I should have seen that she was flirting. She's always been that way toward me, so I didn't know the difference between how she treats friends or how she treats someone she likes. Honestly, I still don't know. Either way, she will not be like that with me. I have eyes for only you. Not her. I don't want her all over me. I want you all over me.", I blush and look down. "That came out wrong." She smirks. "Maybe I want to be all over you. Damn it, I'm supposed to be mad at you." "Aww, you aren't mad anymore?", I ask, batting my eyelashes. She chuckles.

"No. But don't ever do stupid crap like that again, you hear me? Please.", she begs. "I promise.", I say, grabbing her hand and bringing it to my lips.


This chapter was unique. It was kinda sad but also kinda cute at the end :)

Final edit of chapter 22!

Also, tonight belongs to you by the prom cast is the song for me

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