Chapter 28: This Is it

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{Shawn Mendes}

Knock, knock!

Grace jumps off of me and I quickly button up my shirt. She grabs her book and acts like she was reading. "Come in!", I say, loudly. Jack opens the door and takes a double take at us. "Um, did I interrupt something?", he asks, rubbing his neck. We both shake our head. "Nope. Just sitting here.", I say, a bit too fast. I mentally facepalm myself.

He chuckles. "Okay, well Kaylen and I were thinking of going clubbing tonight. Do y'all want to come? It can be a double date.", he says. We both nod. "That'd be a lot of fun!", Grace says. Jack smiles. "Awesome. And, Shawn? You have something on your lips. Kinda looks like lipstick. And your shirt is unbuttoned.", Jack says, looking at Grace, smirking as he closes the door.

I touch my lips, seeing Grace's lipstick on my fingers. I laugh. "He caught us." She nods. "Yup.", she laughs. That was the closest we'd gotten to doing it. You know, what I mean. It.

She climbs back on top of me and straddles my waist. I place my hands on her hips and she leans closer to me. She bites her lip looking at mine. "You're so beautiful.", she whispers, then her lips are on mine.


"Grace, come on, let's go get ready!", Kaylen says, knocking on our bedroom door. Grace pulls away from my lips and sits up. "I guess we will have to continue this later.", she says, biting her lip. I sit up as she gets off of me and say, "And what is this?" "Um, I don't know.", she says, awkwardly.

"I guess making out?" I chuckle. "Yeah, I guess so. Anyways, go have fun with Kaylen. Jack and I will go do our manly stuff.", I say, puffing out my chest. She rolls her eyes and scoffs.

"Oh, yeah. Like y'all are even men.", she says, getting up off of me. I put a hand to my chest. "How dare you think we aren't men? I can guarantee you we are men.", I say, playfully. She chuckles and opens the door. "I'd like to see you try.", she says and closes the door after her.

I chuckle and bite my lip. Damn, I'm crazy about her.


{Gracelyn Adams}

"Sit.", Kaylen says, as I enter her bathroom. "Why? Wait, no, Kay, I can do my own hair and makeup.", I say. "Nonsense! We used to do each other's hair and makeup all the time. Let's relive the memory.", she says in a funny voice. I chuckle and nod. "So, Jack said he interrupted y'all.", she chuckles. "Um, I guess? I don't know. We were just kissing.", I say. "Y'all haven't done it yet, huh?", she asks. I nod. "Yeah, we haven't. But, it's like I thought we were just now. And I was ready. But, neither of us made the move. I don't know what happened.", I say, genuinely confused.

"Well, it will happen when it happens. And it's going to be perfect.", she says. I smile. "I hope so. I mean, we've talked about it. Not necessarily doing it, but just about sex in general. He said we could take it slow and when I was ready, he was ready." "That's really sweet.", Kay says. I blush. "Yeah, it is."

"What are you wearing tonight?", she asks, brushing my hair out. I smile. "It's a new outfit." "Yeah?", she says. "Yeah. I don't know, I'm kinda second guessing if I should wear it now. I don't know if Shawn would even want me to wear it, it's kinda revealing.", I say, frowning. "Hey, he probably will want you to wear it. For him. What is the outfit?", she asks, finishing my hair. "The top is a black glittery long sleeve crop and the bottom is the same but a short skirt. I brought my Gucci belt and some jewelry to go with it. Oh, and black heels." "Babe, it sounds perfect.", she says.

"Really? He's going to like it?", I ask, smiling. "Oh my gosh, yes. He's going to flip." "What about you? What are you wearing?", I ask.

She goes to her closet and returns with a light green top and skirt, with jewel detailing. "Woah.", I say. "Is it too much? I feel like it's too much.", she says, walking to put it back. "No, you are going to look great in it. Like damn, you are going to rock it", I say. She stops and hangs in on a door, the dress waiting for her to put it on.

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