Chapter 45: Down The Drain

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{Gracelyn Adams}

    "No. no, no, no.", I say, walking away from the room, fingers on my temples. "What the hell happened?" Aaliyah asks, looking at me with a look of concern.

    "They were kissing. They were fucking kissing, Aaliyah. I need to go." I say, running up to Shawn's room. I pull my phone out, going to the Uber app.


(Shawn Mendes)

    "What the fuck was that for!" I yell, pushing Ava off of me with so much force she almost falls onto the ground. "You and I both know we have chemistry." she screams back.

    "No, we fucking don't! You're absolutely crazy. Get out. Get the hell out of our house." I say, shoving her out into the living room. "Yeah, get out skank." Aaliyah says, coldly.

    Ava slams the door and I turn to Aaliyah, "Where did she go?" She points upstairs. I run up the stairs and open the door to my room, revealing Grace packing her suitcase. "Hey, where are you going?" I ask, putting my hand on her shoulder, but the second my skin makes contact with hers, she turns around, smacking the shit out of my hand.

    "Do not touch me right now. Don't fucking touch me, Shawn." she says, turning back to her bag. "Grace, where are you going?" "Where do you think? I'm leaving, Shawn. I can't stay here another second."

    "Grace, hear me out. It's not what you think, she came onto me-" "You were kissing her back, Shawn. Don't play stupid. You just lost a songwriter."

    I groan. "Grace, listen to me! She literally heard you get up and kissed me the exact same time you opened the door. She did it on purpose." I say, putting my hands on her shoulders, forcing her to look at me.

    "Yeah, that's a pretty good story, but not good enough.", she shoves me out of the way, zips her bag, leaving the room.


{Gracelyn Adams}

    "Wait, Grace!" Aaliyah shouts as I open the door. "I'm so sorry. I have to go." And I close the door. Damn it, my Uber isn't here yet.

    I see it down the road and I quickly start to walk to the beginning of their driveway, getting ready to leave.

    A hand grips my arm, preventing me from moving. "Grace-" "Shawn, I don't want to hear it. Please just go." I say, tears forming in my eyes. He moves his hands to my face, his lips suddenly on me. No feelings erupting like they usually do when we kiss. We pull away, his eyes searching my face for signs, but not receiving any. "Shawn." I say, looking down.

    "You don't even know the full story. Grace, you can't throw away what we have that fast." "Yes, I can. Even though I really don't want to." I say, his hand gripping mine, intertwining our fingers. Tears gently pour down my face.

    I look at him, seeing tears slowly trickling down his as well. He never cries. "I'm sorry, but I have to go." I slowly take my hand away. He grabs me by my waist and says, "No, I'm not letting you go that quickly. Grace, you are my everything, don't you know that? You are my rock. My love. You're above everything in my life. I would throw it all away for you, my darling. I can't lose you. If I lose you, I lose myself.", he puts his forehead against mine, causing me to break with every touch.

    "Stop saying things to flatter me." I say, attempting to glare at him through the tears. His face twitches and he says, "You know I would never do that." "Do I, though? I thought you would never do anything like this. But, you did. You cheated on me. I mean, who knows what else you are capable of?" I ask, the question ringing in my ears.

    "But, I didn't cheat. If you would just listen to m-" "Shawn, cheating isn't a mistake, it's a choice. You made that choice. And now you are going to suffer the consequences.", I push his hands off of me and grab my things.

    "Grace, love, please don't leave.", his voice breaks. I open the door to the Uber, putting my bags in the car and look at him. "Bye, Shawn."

    I shut the door, the car drives away. My last view of Shawn is him standing there, tears pouring down his face, his hands behind his head.

    I choke back a sob and call Kay. She picks up and before she can speak, I say, "Kay. Something happened." I sniffle. "What, Grace? What happened?"

    "I-I-I don't know. I think Shawn just cheated on me." I sob. "Oh my god. Where are you?" she asks. "On my way to the airport." "Okay, if you can, fly out here to LA. If not, fly home and I'll fly to you in New York." I nod, forgetting she can't see me and instead say, "Okay. I'll let you know." "Okay. Love you." "Love you, too."

    I hang up, getting messages from Shawn, one after the other.

Shawn: babe, please don't do this.

Me: don't call me that. im not yours anymore, you have her now

Shawn: I want you though. She kissed me. I didn't want it. You know me. Would I do that to you?

Me: idk anymore. i thought i knew u

Shawn: Grace, you do know me! I care for you too much, I would never do that.

Me: i'm sorry, i can't do this rn

Shawn: I just want to be with you. Please come back here so we can talk. Just give me a chance

Me: no, shawn

Shawn: I swear to you, I didn't want to kiss her. She kissed me and I immediately pulled away.

Me: it didn't look like that

Shawn: i swear to you, Grace.


10 Minutes later

Shawn: Grace, don't leave me. I love you.

Me: ik. i used to love you. Before you broke me.

Shawn: Grace, please just trust me

Me: idk what to believe anymore

Shawn: I'm telling you the truth

Me: just please give me time. i just need time, shawn. i need time to wait, to process what just happened

Shawn: tell me when you're ready. I'm here ready to talk.

Me: okay

I guess my mom was right. All love eventually does go down the drain.


Holy shit, guys, that's it

Down the drain is done, can u believe that?

Sequel will be coming soon :)

*i'll be uploaded a final author's note later on*


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