Chapter 31: Spare Us

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{Gracelyn Adams}

"Hello!", I say, opening the door, hearing Remi and Boudreaux bark at the squeaky door. "Remi, Boudreaux!", I say, getting on the ground to pet the dogs. "Gracelyn!", Maw Maw exclaims, coming in from the living room. "Maw Maw!", I say.

I get up to hug her and see her face, tears in her eyes. "Maw Maw, please don't cry.", I say, tears welling up in my eyes. She smiles smally. "It's my boy, Grace. He's in the hospital.", she whispers. "I know, Maw Maw. He will pull through.", I say, hugging her tightly. She lets go and hugs Sarah, then sees Shawn, hugging him.

"Hi, Mrs. Juanita.", he says, hugging her back. She pats him on the cheek. "I already told you, hun, call me Maw Maw.", referencing our latest FaceTime call. "Okay, M-Maw Maw.", he says, stumbling over his words. I look over to the living room seeing my two aunts standing there along with some of my cousins.

I smile, seeing my wonderful family. "I didn't know y'all would be here.", I say, but my words cut off as soon as I see their red, splotchy faces. "What? What happened?", I ask, immediately knowing something else happened.

Could today possibly get any worse? First, I got on a plane literally at 2 am and now something else happened. Please just stop. I think to myself. I have no clue what I'm asking to stop, but just please spare us the pain.

"Grace.", Aunt Joni says, grabbing my hands. "What happened?", I say, more aggressively. "Honey, it's your Paw Paw.", she says. Tears flood my eyes. "What happened? What happened now?", I ask, taking my hands away from hers. "We think he had a brain bleed." "What does this mean?", I say, sternly. "It means we don't know if he is going to make it.", she says, with tears pouring down her face.

"Grace.", Shawn says, grabbing my arm, but I pull my arm out of reach, open the door, and run.



Final edit of chapter 31!

Okay, time to get real with you guys. This part is a true thing that happened in my life. Y'all are about to experience what happened with my grandpa this summer, minus the Shawn part.

In real life, my grandpa didn't have a heart attack, but he did have a brain bleed. This is all real to my life from this past summer.


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