Chapter 37: Worked Out

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{Gracelyn Adams}

"So, you haven't met any of my hometown friends.", I say to Shawn, as we walk to the clubhouse. "You're right. I haven't. Let's hang out with some of them.", he suggests. "Well, my friend Amelia has a Halloween party every year. I never go anymore because I'm never in town. But, we are in town this year.", I say. "Let's go.", Shawn says. "Really?" "Yeah.", he nods. "I think it would be a lot of fun." "Okay. But, we have to put a costume together like today. The party is in two days.", I say.

"Alright, let's go shopping today.", he says. "Okay!", I say, excitedly. "I meant for a costume.", he chuckles. "I knew that.", I say, sarcastically. "No, you didn't. You thought I meant just shopping.", Shawn says. "Okay, so what if I did?", I say. "You are such a shopaholic.", he laughs. "I spend too much time with Ellie. And Allie.", I say. "You are correct.", Shawn says, agreeing with me.


"What about this?", Shawn says, holding up an Angel and Devil costume. "Way too overplayed. I can guarantee at least 3 couples there will be that and have that exact costume."

"I forgot how serious you are about Halloween costumes.", he says, putting the costume back on the rack. "Yup. Don't you remember the year that-" "The year that I came over in the Buzz Lightyear costume when I was supposed to be Woody? Yeah, I remember. Don't bring it up.", he says, pouting. "Aw, it's alright, Shawnie." I say, patting his cheek. "I clearly had said Woody and Jessie, but yeah, you can think I said Woody and Buzz.", I say, walking away, looking through the costumes.

"It made sense!", he exclaims. "It made sense to you that a boy and GIRL would be Woody and Buzz?", I ask. "Well, now when you say it like that, no." "I said it the exact same way two years ago.", I laugh.

"Oh my gosh, I just thought of the absolute best costume.", I say, looking up at Shawn. "What?" "Sandy and Danny. From Grease.", I respond. "Yeah! That's a great idea.", Shawn says. "Yes!! But, that costume isn't in here. We are going to have to go shopping in other stores.", I say. "You got what you wanted, eh?", he smirks. "Duh! I always do.", I smile.

"Okay, where do we go?" "Well, luckily I brought my leather pants and my red heels. So, I just need a black leather shirt. You brought your black t-shirt and blue jeans, huh?", I ask him. "Yeah, I brought them." "Awesome! So, all we need to get you is black converse. And I know exactly where to get them.", I say, grabbing his hand, leading the way to the Journey's store in the mall.

"Boom, black converse.", I say, pointing to the shoes on the wall. "What shoe size are you?", I asked him. "11." I grab the box and bring it up to the register. We pay for the shoes and head to other stores to get the leather shirt for me.

"Wait, Grace, look. That looks like her shirt from the movie.", Shawn says, pointing to a shirt in the window of the store. It looks identical to the one in the movie. "Yes!" I say, as we walk into the store.

I search the rack, looking for my size, not succeeding. "Damn it!", I say, slamming my hands onto my legs. "Hey, I found your size!", Shawn says, attempting to grab it from the rack, but it is pulled in the opposite direction.

"No, way, man. This is for my girl.", the other guy pulling on the shirt says. "No, it's for my girl. I saw it first.", Shawn says. "No, I did." "Y'all fight like girls.", I say, laughing, trying to lighten the mood. "Come on, Shawn, I bet they have my size in the back."

Luckily, they had one left in my size. But, it was the one the other guy was holding for his "girl". "Great. Now, we can't be Sandy and Danny.", I say. "No, we are going to be Sandy and Danny. Don't you worry.", Shawn says, walking towards the guy still standing at the rack.

"So, I don't see your girl anywhere in sight. Just let us have the shirt, man.", Shawn says, trying to reason with him. "Dude, she is trying stuff on.", he says, back to him. "Well, I bet she can fit in the size below or above this. Just give it to me.", Shawn says, grabbing the shirt. "What, you saying my girl is fat?", the other guy says, sizing Shawn up.

"Ah, no, man, I didn't say that.", Shawn says, chuckling nervously. "It really sounds like you are making fun of my girl.", the guy says, standing close to Shawn. I walk over there and attempt to stand between them, but the guy pushes me out of the way, making me stumble, just barely catching myself before I hit the ground.

"Um, what the hell?", I say. "Man, tell your girl to get out of the way." "Your a fucking idiot.", Shawn says, towering over the guy. "What do you mean, asshole?", he says, looking up at him, attempting to act tough.

"You shouldn't have touched her. Now, you are going to suffer the consequences.", Shawn says, calmly. "Yeah, I don't see you doing anythin-", and Shawn punches him. "Hey, break it up!", an employee says, running over to the fight. He shoves Shawn and the guy in opposite directions. "I'm going to have to ask you to leave." "But, I need to buy this.", the guy says, pointing to the shirt.

"Not anymore. You can't.", the employee says. Shawn looks at me and his face lights up. I shake my head and smile at him. I quickly pay for the shirt and walk towards Shawn standing outside the store. "You are terrible!", I say, playfully shoving him.

He grabs my hand and says, "But, hey, we got the costumes for both of us. I think it worked out." He kisses my head and we start walking out of the mall.


final edit of chapter 37:)

Down The Drain {S.M}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora