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Holy cow 300 reads! IM SCREAMING!!!


Tears were streaming down Rebekah's face as she carried her sister into her family's home.

The brothers were alerted by the smell of blood so they quickly ran down the stairs to see Rebekah crying over Marigold's unmoving body on the floor.

Keep in mind she wasn't wearing a shirt.

"What happened Rebekah?" Elijah asked his sister placing a hand on her shoulder.

"I-I'm not sure. I found her chained to a wall in that cemetery just past the bayou. S-Someone was hurting her and was a-about to kill her."

..."You turned her?"


The coughing of Marigold quickly caught their interest as she sprung up.

"What's going on?"

Rebekah came out bluntly and asked,"Do you want to be a vampire Mari?"

"What do you mean?"

"If you don't feed on human blood you'll die," Finn told her from where he was sitting reading a book.

..."Now, what are the pros and cons-"

"Just tell me, Marigold!"

"Fine, fuck! I'll become a vampire!"

With a snap of his fingers, Klaus got a girl to come into the room.

"S-So how do I-"

"Your instincts will kick in."

The blonde girl pulled her hair away from her neck.

The smell seemed to surround her as all Marigold could hear was her heart beating, the blood flowing in her veins.

Marigold didn't realize she was slowly moving closer to the woman until she put her face next to her neck.

Marigold closed her eyes as she felt herself vamp out and slowly drank the blood.

The yell of a woman and a horrible laugh filled her ears before she collapsed.

She didn't recognize the laugh but she definitely heard that voice somewhere before, in a distant past.


Marigold awoke to see Rebekah shaking her shoulders.

"Please refrain from giving me any more heart attacks today!"

"Strange," Elijah commented, looking down at Marigold with a newfound curiosity," I have never seen someone react like that during their transformation."

..."My family!" Marigold suddenly yelled quickly standing up" I need to go!"

She started rushing towards the door.

"Marigold wait!" Rebekah called out.

But she was too late.

Marigold rushed outside into the sun.

The Mikaelsons expected Mari to come rushing back, burning but she didn't.

She wasn't burning.

So now they were questioning this,

What the hell is Marigold Lupin?


Sooo sorry for the short chapter!

I've been really busy lately!!! ^_^

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