Piece by Piece

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I wake to find Sherlock gone again, the bed beside me cold. Our door is open, so I step quietly into the hall. There is a paper on the counter, a note hastily scrawled out by Sherlock.

On a case, needed to go out to a scene. Didn't want to wake you, so I left this. Love you.- SH

I pull out my cell, messaging Greg.

When did he go out?- JW

An hour or two ago.- GL

On what case? Is he okay?- JW

Triple homicide. Not suspected to be Moriarty. He is functioning.- GL

I'm coming over. Address?- JW

I hail a cab, giving the cabbie the address. Sherlocks bottle of meds is in my pocket, thankfully he hasn't touched them. 

Sherlock?- JW

A few minutes pass with no response as we continue cruising down the streets. 

On a case.- SH

I'm coming over there Sherlock.- JW

He ignores me, presumably still working. We stop in front of a posh, upscale flat that sits behind the police tape. I hop out, ducking under it and walking through the door. The interior is nicer than the outside, filled chock full of expensive items. Greg spots me and quickly leads me back to Sherlock, who is deep in concentration. I notice he is avoiding walking as much as he can, limping when he does.

"What happened to him?"



I walk towards Sherlock cautiously, trying not to disturb him. He is muttering under his breath again, randomly shouting out bits and pieces of what he is thinking.

"Is he here yet?"

"Yes Sherlock, I'm right here."

He goes back to his work, only pausing for a few moments at a time to ask for something. 

"I've got it!"


I remain silent, watching Sherlock closely as he explains how the victim was murdered. He flips his coat dramatically, struggling to hide his limp as he works his way out of the flat.



"Come back here! Slow down please."

He stops walking as soon as we are around the corner, turning back on me.


"Take some of these."


"Sherlock! You're clearly in pain. You didn't take anything today, right?"

"I didnt. You are terrible at hiding things from me John, I knew where they where."

"But you left them alone?"


"Then take some now."

I hand him two, watching him swallow before turning back to walk beside him.

"Where are you going?"

"Taking you out to coffee."

"Have you eaten today?"


He pops the end of his word, adorably looking down at me. 

"So you're feeling better then?"


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