For Me

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"Please Sherlock. I need you to wake up, please. For me Sherlock, wake up."

It is day ten of visiting a sleeping Sherlock, rambling again about anything that crosses my mind. I lie my head down, finding Sherlocks hand quickly. I'm tapping my fingers again, slowly drifting off to sleep.


I wake suddenly, someone is tapping my hand. I love you.



He is blinking slowly, still tapping my hand. I'm crying again, he is awake. He is really awake this time, pulling on my arm.



"Sit with me?"

I smile, sitting on the edge of the bed beside him. He struggles to sit up, setting of a loud round of beeping from the monitor. A nurse runs in as he sits up all the way, leaning against me.

"You're...youre awake. That's good."

I slide off the bed so she can check everything, siting back onto the chair to watch her.

"You need to take it easy, relax, and don't get up."

She leaves us alone again, closing the door behind her.

"Come back?"

"I should message everyone first Sherlock. I promised I would."


I hop back up anyways, Sherlock cuddling against my side as I pull out my cell.

He's up.- JW
I'm heading over.- MH

Sherlock.- JW
Omw. Grabbing Mrs. H.- Molly H.

Sherlocks up.- JW
I'm coming.- GL

"Are you done yet?"

I look down, Sherlock tugging on my jacket. He struggles back up again, now leaning against me.

"How do you feel?"

"Hurts like hell."

"What does?"


"Let me see."

He slowly lifts his shirt from his side, wincing as he stretches. I softly run my fingers over the stitches, stopping when Sherlock grabs my hand. He presses my hand against his lips, kissing my fingertips softly.

"Your arm?"

His arm is bruised severely, clear finger marks around his good wrist. I touch the bandages wrapped around his upper arm, letting him pull my hand away again.

"It didnt go all the way through, just partway."

He kisses me suddenly, using his good arm to pull us together. We break apart quickly, when he starts shaking.



"What's wrong?"

"I let him go again."

I kiss him hard now, trying to make him stop talking.

"Stop it. I could have moved and helped."

"But I was awake...and I let him."

"No you didnt. You did what you needed to do."

"I let him go John. He's going to do it again."

I pull him against me, being careful of his arm. Mycroft walks through the door first, standing in shocked silence. Sherlock pushes away from me, sliding off of the bed. 

"Absolutely not. Sit back down."

Sherlock ignores Mycroft, falling into his arms.

"Sherlock. Dont be stupid, sit down."

"I'm fine."

Mycroft and I pull Sherlock back onto the bed, making him sit down.

"I'm fine."

Mrs. Hudson comes in, pushing past both of us to hug Sherlock.

"I'm sorry Sherlock."

Molly is behind us now, slowly walking in to hug Sherlock as well. Lestrade dosent go in for a hug, instead standing in the doorway. Sherlock is tapping his fingers against the bed, signaling out to Mycroft and I. SOS. There are too many people. Mycroft tells me to stay, pushing everyone else out of the room.

"Too many people."

"Its fine, I'm here."

"I know."

He falls asleep soon, lying against me. Mycroft finds some way to regulate our visitation hours so we don't overwhelm Sherlock. He is set to be let out after they get the cast off, a few more weeks left now.

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