New Round

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Sherlock takes some, gratefully accepting a cup of tea from Mrs. Hudson. I decline the sugar, prefering my tea unsweetened. We sit in the kitchen together, just the three of us. Mrs. Hudson brought up more baking from downstairs, so we have breakfast as well. Sherlock, for once in his life, is eating without anyone pressuring him to. He is clearly distracted though, we all are.



"What're you thinking about?"

"Not now."

We lapse back into silence, each thinking about what happened. I know what everyone suspects, its what I'm thinking as well. Moriarty was here. Its the only explanation. The window was opened while we where sleeping, the same one he jumped out of when I shot at him. Mrs. Hudson leaves after breakfast, taking the now empty tray with her.

"Are you going to talk to me now?"

"I'm thinking."

This is starting to frustrate me, he blocks everyone out when he's stressed.




"Why did he come in? Why this morning? Mycroft said they would have him by the end of the night yesterday."

"I dont know Sherlock. You need to try to ignore his games."

"Hes doing everything he knows will make me play."

"Well stop. You cant let him get in your head like that."

He looks down at his feet, still hasnt told me everything.

"What's wrong?"

"He's watching us."

"How Sherlock? He cant possibly see us all the time."

Yes I can.- JM

Sherlock got a similar message, face paling as his eyes scan the text.

"He says its the next round. In"

"What is?"

"Finding them."

He starts tearing through the flat, ripping everything apart.

"Sherlock sit down!"

I guide him back to the couch, lying my head in his lap.

"I'm right here. Breathe Sherlock, with me."

He matches his breathing with mine, calming quickly. I reluctantly check my cell, trying to shield the screen from Sherlock.

Good job Dr. Watson.- JM

What are you doing?- JW

Isnt it obvious?- JM

No.- JW

Ask him.- JM

Tell me.- JW

You dont seem to understand the rules of the game Dr. Watson.- JM

What do you want?- JW


And what are those?- JW

Ask him.- JM

I turn to Sherlock, wincing when I see the expression on his face. He jumps up suddenly, letting me fall off of him.

"What are you doing?"

He is walking to the window, opening it slowly.

"Sherlock. Whatever you are about to do, dont. Please."

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