Picnic In The Park

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I spread out a blanket nervously, Sherlock should be here any time now. My appointment was long, dull, and painful. He doesn't know what were doing tonight, just to be here by six. I check my cell for messages, realizing that it is five fifty seven already.

"Am I late?"

I turn quickly, hand instinctively reaching for my gun. Sherlock slips his hand into mine, stopping my movement for the weapon.

"Its okay. I'm sorry, didnt mean to sneak up on you like that."

"You're fine."

"What's this?"

He is looking around at what I set up, dinner for us.

"I umm...though we could do something special for dinner. Like when we where in high school. Remember that?"

"Of course I remember that. It was brilliant. Thank you John."

They took my sling off today, so I am able to hug him fully for the first time since I got back. We sit slowly, each of us watching the other. I pass Sherlock a sandwich, grabbing one for myself. He eats half of it, a good thing, and watches me eat mine.

"How was your appointment?"

"Dull. And it hurt like hell."

He chuckles, kissing me on the forehead. I lean against him, snuggling closer when the wind picks up.

"What do you want to do tonight?"

"Sit here with you. All night long."

"That sounds amazing."

We watch the sunset, admiring the brilliant golden glow the park takes on as the sun sinks below the horizon.



I turn, suddenly pulled into a long passionate kiss by Sherlock. I had forgotten how much I missed this, being pressed against him. Knowing nothing else matters but this one moment.

"I love you."

He kisses me again, slower and more softly than before. I get lost in his embrace, too distracted by the kisses to notice anything else.



"Do you...want to...mhhh...go back..."

His sentence is broken by soft moans of pleasure, trying to talk through the kissing.


We pull apart, hurriedly packing everything back up. Sherlock hails a cab quickly, gently pushing me inside. He pulls me back out when we get home, already fumbling with the lock.


I walk up the stairs, waiting for him at the top. He locks the door, I notice he pulls the chain as well before following me up. I am slammed into the wall, Sherlocks lips colliding with mine again. A warm pain radiates from my shoulder, though I ignore it for as long as I can.

"What's wrong?"


"Fuck. I'm sorry."

He runs his hands through his hair, looking apologetically down at me. I am trapped in his gaze, unable to look away.

"Lie down, take this off."

I pull his shirt off, pushing him towards the bedroom. He lies back, guiding me to straddle him beneath me.

"Do it. Please."

He grins up at me, pulling off my shirt as well. We end up in our boxers quickly, clothes strewn about the bed carelessly. My heart is pounding, every touch sending a shock through my body. Sherlock is moaning softly, still pushing against me.

"My god I missed you."

I kiss him along his neck, avoiding his lips until he is whispering my name softly in my ear.

"I missed you too."

He doesn't pull away when I continue working my hands lower, kissing further down his body. He throws his head back, shaking with the pleasure. I kiss him until we can't breathe, going back when his lips are parted only slightly. My shoulder is throbbing again, which does not go unnoticed by Sherlock.

"Go take something for it."

"I'm fine."

"John. Please, I don't like seeing you in pain like this."

"Yeah. I'm bringing your meds back too."


I pull on a pair of pyjama pants and a tee shirt, walking into the kitchen. Sherlocks laptop it open, a gentle nudge of the mouse wakes the screen up. I quickly scan the screen, he was looking at house listings. The kind we want to get, right in the middle of nowhere. I tear my eyes away, quickly pulling the proper meds and a glass of water before returning to the room.


"Which ones?"

"All of them."

He groans, taking all of them without further complaint. I take the glass from him, setting it on the night table.

"Did you take yours?"

I had forgotten to take mine, though I have a bottle of the pain meds in my coat pocket. I pull the bottle, noticing that Sherlocks hands start to shake when I do so.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah...yeah I'm fine."

I put the bottle away quickly, making Sherlock lie back down.



"Turn then off please."

He pushes on my chest, eyes closed tight against the bright lamp light. I get up and switch them off, noticing the door has a few new scuff marks. Sherlock was not okay while I was gone, probably still isn't. Ill need to keep an eye on him, and talk to Mycroft in the morning.



"I'm cold. Please come back."

The ghost of a smile plays across my lips, deep down he is still that adorable sixteen year old I fell for in the first place. I lie back against him, stomach down. He pulls my head against his chest, making sure I am comfortable before he closes his eyes.

"Good night my Hedgehog."

"And you too my Otter."

He kisses me on the forehead before passing out, meds dragging him under.

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