First Meeting

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"You need to be careful Sherlock."

"What do you mean be bloody careful?"

"Just dont move too quickly on anything."

"Whatever that means, I dont understand!"

"You will when you see him!"

The drive is quiet after that, no one wanting to break the silence for fear of upsetting someone else again.

"Remember, be careful. Dont move quickly."

"I know."

John is coming home, his plane should be landing soon. We walk together into the building. Mrs. Hudson, Lestrade, Molly, and Mycroft all came to meet him when he lands. They all sit down in the chsirs in a waiting area, leaving me the only one standing. I am watching people stream out of the gates, waiting to see John. Mycroft and Lestrade go to pick up his baggage, leaving me with the women to wait.

"Sherlock dear, come sit down. He'll be here soon."

"I'm fine Mrs. Hudson."

She stops pestering me to sit, turning to talk to Molly instead. I am turned around, away from the gates, when I feel someone's eyes on me. I turn, slowly, and see John standing a few metres away from the gates. He runs over, meeting me halfway. I notice his arm is in a sling, immediately worrying me. Beofre I can say anything to him though, he kisses me. He pulls us tighter together and kisses me again, not pulling away for a few minutes. I lose track of everything around us, focusing only on the steady pressure of Johns lips on mine. His fingers lace through mine, pushing me against the wall at my back.

"I missed you."

"I missed you too."

John kisses me again, still holding my hand tightly. I cant stop grinning, even after I start crying.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

"Nothing. I just really cant believe you're back."

"Me too."

I kiss him again, feeling myself calm as he presses closer. He winces when we pull apart, bumping into another traveler accidentally.

"What happened? Is this why youre coming home early?"

"Ill explain later. Lets get out of here though, where is everyone else?"

Mrs. Hudson catches up with us now, followed by Molly.


They hug him as well, being careful of the injured arm. Its seems everyone else knew about the injury, everyone but me. John grabs my hand, pulling us out of the crowded building. Mycroft and Lestrade hug him, they where waiting out here with the bags and car.

"Its great to see all of you finally."

"You too."

He dosent let go of my hand, even after we get into the car. I cant let him go either, part of me is afraid I'm dreaming. That if I let him go, he'll disappear and ill wake up alone again.

"Do you want to go out and get something for lunch?"

Mycroft looks at John in the mirror, nodding when he tells him where he wants to go. Lestrade messages everyone else and we set off to get food. I look down at our entwined fingers, feeling a familiar tapping against my hand. I love you.

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