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John is next to me when I wake, though I don't remember him going to bed last night. The clock by the bed says it is six thirty, I'm not going to be able to go back to sleep again. He moves when I sit up, mumbling something incoherent to me.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm fine, why?"

"You woke up last night."

"Isnt that normal?"

"You started your meds last night. And the sleeping pills didnt work how we expected them to."

"How so?"

"You where half awake at three this morning, but woke up fully around three thirty. The half hour between was you freaking out. I tried to help as much as I could, but you just needed to see that I was okay before you went to sleep again."

"I...I'm not sure when this happened. All I remember from after dinner was you. You where holding me, and you didnt have your shirt."

"I did not."

"Why not?"

"It rained on my way back."

"From where?"

"Went for a walk."




"I'm fine, see. I'm right here Sherlock."

I hug him again, feeling myself relax as he returns the hug.

"We should get something to eat. You didnt eat much for dinner."

He pulls me up, insisting we get breakfast now.



I make us some, working around John. Mycroft gets up while I am putting everything away, glaring when he sees the off centre way I have the sugar bowl on the counter.

"Fix it."

"Fix what?"

"Dont be difficult Sherlock. Fix it."

His hands are twitching, he wants to fix it. He jams his hands in his pockets when he sees me, still glaring harshly.

"Are you two okay?"

I laugh when John asks this, of course we are okay. Mycroft starts breakfast, sending us out when I hop onto the counter. Lestrade passes us on out way in, hugging Mycroft and kissing him on the cheek.

"Good morning Myc."

"Morning Greg. Breakfast?"

"Mmmm...yes please."

I roll my eyes, neither will admit they are dating yet. Its painfully obvious, even Anderson could have figured it out by now. He hasn't, just John and I have seen them like this. Lestrade starts laughing, sounding absolutely joyful as Mycroft continues whatever he is doing.

"They're right here Myc..."


"Leave that one on!"

They are both laughing now, a strangely cheerful sound from Mycroft.

"How about...this one? Hmmm?"

"Not here. They are right here."

He laughs loudly, something gets pushed back on the counter.

"Later, okay?"

He dosent want to stop, they both sound like they are having fun, but Mycroft eventually agrees and goes back to making food. In about ten minutes, we are all gathered at the table to eat. I grab something and force myself to eat it, the whole thing. Its only a small apple, but I havent really eaten in about two weeks now.

"Are you okay Sherlock?"

"Yeah. I'm fine."

"We need to go in to work today, so its just you and John. You two can go out if you want, just be back here for dinner."


Lestrade and Mycroft leave after the kitchen is cleaned up, reminding us to be back for dinner.



"What do you want to do today?"


"Its raining."

"So? Come on, it'll be fun."


John smiles at me, standing slowly from the table.

"Go get dressed."

I run to the room, throwing on a set of long sleeved clothes before dashing back to the kitchen. My arms are hurting slightly again, John notices when I pull away from his hand.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little pain."

"Do you want to take something for it?"


"If you do..."

"Its fine John."

My voice is tight, eyes tear filled for no reason at all. John pulls me into a hug, whispering something in my ear.

"Its okay."

We set off to the park after ten more minutes. I wrap my arm around his waist, smiling when he leans his head on my shoulder.

"Where are we going?"



The air is cool, a slight mist lies across the ground. We walk in silence, tapping out short morse phrases on each others hip. I love you. You too.

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