Heading Home

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My shoulder throbs, I havent taken my meds since before I went to bed. I head home today, meeting Sherlock and everyone else at the airport.

"Are you ready to go?"


One of my friends helps me carry my bags out to the truck, he is going to drive me to the airport.

"So, you're going home early."


"How does your arm feel?"

"Hurts like hell."

"Well, I guess its better than the alternative."

"Which is?"

"Heading home early, in a box."

"You have a point there."

"How's the family?"

"Not entirely sure, Sherlock and I didnt get a chance to talk often. Monday was the first time in two months."



"Oh. That's great, I'm sure you are excited to see each other."

"Yeah. This week alone has been almost as bad as the first month of being out here."

We lapse back into silence, driving at a steady rate towards the airport.

"Well, this is your stop. I'm gonna miss you Watson."

"You too. Be careful out there."

He helps me carry my bags in, making sure I am checked in before he leaves. I have an hour to kill before take off, so I wander around the small airport. My cell buzzes, a call from Mycroft.

"Is everything still good to go?"

"Yeah. I have ten minutes before boarding, how is he holding up?"

"Hes nervous. Worried. Excited."

"Has he eaten?"

"Not since you called."

"Damn it."

"He'll be okay. Just nervous. Really nervous."

"Yeah. Me too."

"How's the shoulder?"

"Hurts. Ill be fine though."

"That sucks."


"Be careful, dont strain yourself today."

"I wont. Ill see you guys in a few hours, have to start boarding."

"We're heading over to pick up Sherlock now."

"Thank you."

I power down my cell, slipping it into my pocket. The plane is mostly empty, only me and a few other soiders heading home. I dont know anyone, so the trip is going to be dull. My dog tags are still around my neck, bumping together every time I move. I wince when I lean back, my arm hitting the arm rest on the seat. The sling digs into the back of my shoulder, so I adjust it as often as I can to avoid that. I'm excited, finaly going home. I let myself fall asleep, knowing when I wake up again I will be able to see Sherlock.

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