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The walk to the park is lovely, Sherlock is in an unusually happy mood today. I'm optimistic about the outcome of the new medications, he seems to be doing okay so far.

"What are you thinking about?"


"Your thinking face is adorable, the way you scrunch up your nose..."

He is watching me, those big colourful eyes locking onto mine. We eventually look away, after it starts pouring. Sherlock pulls his coat over our heads, arms spread wide to support it.

"On the count of three, run."

"Where to?"

"Cafè. For lunch."

He counts to three, breaking into a dead sprint in front of me. I almost slip a few times, tripping on Sherlocks sprawled out legs.

"You wherent supposed to trip over me."

His words are broken by laughter, a huge grin spreading over his face.

"You wherent supposed to trip."

We are both soaked to the bone, sitting in a puddle of cold water as the rain continues pouring down around us. I turn my head to the side, finding myself suddenly pulled into a long kiss with Sherlock. He wont stop laughing though, so we pull apart.

"I cant believe you fell like that."

"You tripped first."


"You planned this, didn't you?"


He kisses me again, the rest of the world melting away around us. We are shocked back to reality when a cab passes by, splashing through a puddle and soaking us further. Sherlocks curls are askew, I'm sure my hair is much of the same. He stands slowly, pulling me up with him. I notice he is holding his arm to his side, swapping places with me on the pavement.

"Let me see it."

He reluctantly holds out his arm to me, wincing when I move the sleeve up.

"Youre fine, just scraped your palm up a little bit. Your wrist seems okay and still in place, no popped stitches."

"Thank you."

I grab his collar, pulling him down for another long kiss.

"Now lets get inside so we dont catch hypothermia or something."

"That sounds like a good plan."

Sherlock grabs my hand, using his good arm, and begins pulling me towards our flat.

"Shouldnt we go back to Mycrofts?"

"He said to be back for supper. We have a few hours."

We are almost running now, dashing across the empty street to get to the flat. I pull my key from my coat pocket, finaly letting go of Sherlocks hand.

"Boys? Is that you two?"

"Hello Mrs. Hudson."

She steps into the hall, hugging both of us before sending us up to go get changed.

"You two are insane, look at how wet you boys are. Dripping all over the floor."

I look down, we are standing in a fast growing puddle.

"Go get changed, ill mop up the floor."

"Thank you Mrs. Hudson."

We hug her again, receiving a playful scolding for soaking her clothes again. Sherlock grabs a muffin off the counter, dashing upstairs with a thank you to Mrs. Hudson. I grab some baking as well, following him up.

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