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He knows what I mean, someone keeps turning the morphine drip back on. I'm trying not to get addicted to any of the medications this time. I start pulling the IV out after he turns it off, stopped by his hand on mine.


"They wont leave it off John. I need this."

"Be careful. If you are hurting again, you need to put it back in."

I slowly draw it out of my skin, tossing the needle away. I'm in constant pain still, but I cant take the risk of continuing the morphine addiction. John lets me press my face against his chest, running his fingers through my hair.

"I love you."

He kisses me in response, smiling when we break apart.

"I missed you. You know that right?"

I kiss his neck lightly, moaning when he returns the favour. We shouldn't be doing this here, I get out tomorrow, but the wait has been agonizing.

"Not here Sherlock."

"I know."

"Ill see you tomorrow my Otter."

"Do you have to leave right now?"

"Visiting hours are almost over Sherlock."

"Promise you'll be there tomorrow?"

"Of course. Now get some sleep, please."

I am gently pushed back down on the bed, dragging John down with me. He indulges me for a few more minutes before he gets up, needing to leave for real this time.

"I love you Sherlock."

"Love you."

I watch him go, feeling a twinge of sadness as the door closes. He switches the light off when he goes, drowning the room in darkness. My cell buzzes again, probably Moriarty. We have been messaging while I have been in the hospital, purely out of boredom. Mycroft checks over everything from Moriarty, especialy everything he sends me. I prefer it that way, having a fall back if I need it. The past month has been stressful, though I have managed to keep everything under control.

Having fun are we?- JM

No thanks to you.- SH

Could have been John.- JM

I twist my wedding band on my finger, a nervous habit I have developed since we married.

You wouldnt have.- SH

I already have.- JM

Only to get to me.- SH

How smart you are.- JM

Good night Mr. Holmes.- JM

He signs off, leaving me alone again. The morphine IV is still within reach, my hands are shaking at the prospect. I ring a nurse, asking her to take it out. She does, very confused at the request.

Mikey?- SH

Shouldnt you be sleeping William?- MH

I don't think so.- SH

Dont be sarcastic.- MH

What time do I leave this horrid place?- SH

John is taking you out for lunch he tells me.- MH

Get some sleep William.- MH

You too. Love you Mikey.- SH

Love you too.- MH

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