Settling In

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We go out for lunch at a little sandwich shop, everyone is overjoyed to be back together again. Even Sherlock manages to eat something, the first thing this week from what Mycroft has told me. Everyone leaves after we finish eating, promising to do something together this week.

"You two need to go home and get some rest, we'll check in on you tonight."

"Thank you."

Mycroft and Lestrade take us back to the flat, helping me with my bags. Sherlock looks like he hasnt slept in the past week, I wouldnt be surprised if he hasnt slept since I called.

"Are you okay Sherlock?"

He is sitting on the sofa, staring blankly at me as I walk through the room.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

I sit beside him, waiting for him to move or say something else.


He hasnt moved since I sat down, body tensing up when I touch him.

"What's wrong?"

"Is this real?"

"Is what real?"

"This. Is this real?"


Sherlock lies against me, tugging the blanket from my chair and lying it across us.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine Sherlock. Lie down."

I lie my head on his shoulder, waiting for him to relax.

"What's going on?"

"I dont want to go to sleep."

His voice is soft and scared, hand reaching for mine.

"Why not? What's wrong?"

"I'm afraid that when I wake up, ill be alone again."

"I'm not leaving you Sherlock, I promise."

I sit up again, turning to face him.

"Sherlock, look at me."

He looks over, eyes locking with mine.

"I will not leave you. Ill still be here when you wake up. I promise you. Okay?"

"I'm scared."

He burries his face against me, whimpering softly.

"Its okay Sherlock. I promise you are okay. Try to get some sleep, Mycroft is stopping by tonight."

"You'll still be here?"

"I promise. Come here."

I hold my arm out to him, letting him lie against my side. I pull the blanket over his head, talking softly until he falls asleep.

What is he not taking?- JW

Meds?- MH

Yeah. Which ones?- JW

He won't tell me.- MH

You havent been over?- JW

He wouldnt let me. I didnt want to upset him.- MH

Its fine. Ill figure it out when he wakes up.- JW

You got him to sleep?- MH

Yeah. How long since he last slept?- JW

Since you called.- MH

Shit.- JW

Its not your fault. Get some sleep, we'll be over around 5 30.- MH

Ill see you then.- JW

Yeah.- MH

I lie back, trying to shift off of my shoulder as much as possible.


"Go back to sleep Sherlock, its okay."

"Are you okay?"

"Yes. I'm fine."

"Come lie down in here."

He pulls me into the bedroom, shutting the door softly behind me.


I sit on the edge of the bed, letting him lie back before I move again.

"Lie like this. Put your head on my shoulder, lie on your stomach."

He helps me lie against him, both of us relaxing soon after. Its comforting to be lying with someone again, finaly feeling safe for the first time in a year.

"How do you feel?"

"I'm fine."

I lace my fingers through his before letting myself fall asleep. Sherlock shifts sometime later, waking me suddenly. I jerk awake, pushing myself up quickly.

"What're you doing? John?"

Sherlock sits up as well, waking into a mild state of panic. I realize where I am, I'm with Sherlock.

"Its okay Sherlock. I'm sorry."

"What happened? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. What time is it?"

Sherlock passes me my cell, watching me closely.

Heading over now.- MH

That was about twenty minutes ago, they should be here any minute now.

"We need to get up, your brother and Greg are almost here."

He groans, lying back on the bed.

"Do we have to?"


I kiss him before I roll out of bed, pulling him up with me. We walk into the sitting room, waiting for them to show up.

"What time are they coming over?"


"How soon?"

"I dont know. What do you want to do?"

He hands me the remote, asking for me to switch something on the telly. The first thing that turns on is the game show I got Sherlock hooked on, Breakaway. He pulls me against him and curls up, both of us content for the time we are here. A knock at the door makes us both jump, though I pull my gun from my coat when I get up.

"John, its okay. Its just Mycroft and Lestrade."

He walks over to me, gently pulling my gun away. I answer the door, leaving him with my him. Mycroft and Greg step into the flat, hugging me before walking in to find Sherlock.

"Absolutely not."

Mycroft sees Sherlock with the gun, immediately worrying.

"Its fine, that's my gun."

"So why does he have it?"

"I...I umm..."

He understands suddenly, hugging me again before he takes the gun from Sherlock. He gingerly sets it on the table, handling it as if the safety where off. Greg stes down the takeout on the counter, calling everyone into the kitchen. I notice the dishes are different, Sherlock must have had another episode. I manage to get him to eat, though it doesn't take much convincing right now.

"How do you two feel?

"Sore. My shoulder hurts like hell. But I'm feeling brilliant for the first time in a year, so I guess a little pain isn't that bad."

Mycroft laughs at this, Greg noding his head.

"And you Sherlock?"

"Better. Everything's better."

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