Chapter 18

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So we just gone say that Rose has been living in LA for about 2 weeks because I don't think it put any exact number of weeks until graduation when she first moved. So now 2 weeks have passed and next week she has to go back to Maryville to finish school and then the next week is graduation.

Ding dong

Uhh whyyy me. What did I ever do to deserve this?

I roll out of bed and through on a T-shirt. "I'm coming" I run down stairs and open the door.

There stands Lucy and Cole. Lucy had 2 medium size bags along with one big suite case. "Hey, come in" I move to the side letting them come in.

Lucy and Cole come in the house and I take the bags away from her. I put the bags by the stairs and go to the living room with Lucy and Cole.

"So is there anything I need to know his night routine or any medical things" I ask

"No there's no medical conditions or anything like that. I try to have him in bed by 9 or 10 other than that everything's good. He has no allergies but I don't really give him a lot of sweets and no sodas" she says

"Okay, is that it" I ask

"Yeah but I really need to get going I'm about to be late" she says hugging Cole.

"Okay bye I'll see you later" I say

After saying good bye to Cole she rushes out of the door. Now what to do? "Did you eat yet"

"Nope, what you gone cook me" Cole lays on the chair.

"Absolutely sh- nothing come on" me and Cole go upstairs with his bags. I lead him to the guest bedroom closest to my room. Cole starts to talk about his toys that where in the 2 medium sized bags and I start to kinda not really baby proof the room.

I lock the bathroom door and I have a key so it won't be locked forever. I need to get some plug things to put in the outlets so that he doesn't shock himself so I guess I'll go to Walmart later.

I'm not going to unpack Coles bags because today is Friday and we leave Monday so there's no need.

I am kinda hungry tho. "Cole, are you hungry"
Cole nods his head fast in agreement. "Okay, I'll be back in a minute" I walk out of Coles room and go to my room to put clothes on.

 "Okay, I'll be back in a minute" I walk out of Coles room and go to my room to put clothes on

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Just the shirt and pants shoes under this.

Just the shirt and pants shoes under this

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