Chapter 29

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Go ahead and play the song. This junk fire y'all should listen to it if u haven't. Song is called "murder on my mind" YNW Melly

I was turning the corner of the dark alley way. I'm so nervous, I've never done this before. My hand was shaking gripping the gun that laid in my hoodie pocket.

That's him. He's in front of me, I got this I can't be nervous. It's just one simple drug deal that's it. Yeah a fucking 15 year old doing a drug deal that sounds about right.

I walked up to the man, who had a cigarette between his lips.

"What do you want" the man said blowing out smoke.
"Well do you want the stuff or not" I said waiting for the man to get out his money.
"What Peanut sent a child to do his dirty work." The man laughed.
"I guess you don't want it then" I went to walk away but the man grabbed my arm turning me around.

Bang, bang.


I don't know what I was thinking. What the fuck is wrong with me. I just shot this man. I dropped to my knees the mans head was now sitting in my lap. "Come on get up" I said with tears running down my face.

"Get up! Nigga get yo ass up!" I yelled at him.

"I-I d-don't w-want t-t-to die" he said looking me in my eyes. His eyes had tears in them also we both sat there with tears streaming down or face.

I don't know what the fuck I was thinking. I just got so fucking scared. When he grabbed my arm I didn't know what he was going to do I just pulled the trigger. I pulled the trigger because I'm a lil bitch.

He wasn't the first person I killed but he was the first person I have killed with a gun. The first were my "parents" this man makes the second person I have killed. Oh shit oh shit. What the fuck am I going to do.

I need to call peanut. I pulled out my lil flip phone that Peanut had gave me to call him and any one else in the gang with. I dialed his number and waited for him to pick up.

"Hello" I heard Peanut speak from the phone.

"P-p-Peanut I-I killed h-him I don't know what to do. I just got so scared. What am I-i p-post to do." I cried and rambled.

"Shit" I heard him say under his breath. "Calm down Rose, it's okay just calm down. Come back to the house and I'll send somebody to clean up the mess. Don't worry about none of that just come to the house and I'll explain."

"Okay i-I'll s-see you at the house" I said standing up.

"Alright bye" Peanut said hanging up the phone.

I placed the mans head on the ground and looked down at him. I can't believe I just killed him. Fuck. I ran out of the alley way and back towards the house. I probably look stupid right now. You can't really see his blood on my hoodie because it's black but I have on blue jeans and some black shoes so it shows on my jeans.

When I got into the house I went straight to Peanuts office. Everyone was looking at me shocked and surprised. But I just brushed pass them and continued to his office.

I bust open the doors to see Peanut sitting at his desk with his hands running through his hair. "Peanut" my voice cracked.

"Rose sit down" he sighed and pointed at the chair in front of his desk.

I sat down in the chair and waited for Peanut to scold me. Peanut is like a older brother. Peanut is 23 and I am 15, he looked out for me ever since I left my"parents house".

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