Chapter 35

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"Hello, this is Rose Valentine,  a few days ago someone had gotten in contact with you about your dress shop"

"Oh yes, you wanted to buy it right?"

"Correct, What price would you like for it"

"Oh, can we discuss this in person I would like to meet you"

"Oh sorry but I'm not in town right now, so we are going to have to do this over the phone"

"Hey Dante we leaving now, let's go" everything was ready I had all the kids doctors appointments and other medical shit prepared. We were going to go to Johns lil private hospital because I'm not trying to go up there with all them people.

Right now though we got to go to the place so I can legally get custody of Dante and Sky. John did some shit and now I'm apparently the owner of the dress store and I work for him at one of his clubs as an accountant.


"So where did you find the kids at" the women asked eyeing me.

"I found them in the parking lot at the mall" I answered sitting up.

"and what makes you think you are able to provide for them, emotionally and physical" she ask crossing her leg

"As you can clearly see in my records I own a business myself and I also work as an accountant" I stated

"Okay, what about emotionally, considering your past"

"That is a even better reason why I should take care of these kids actually. With my past being what it is I know how they feel and I can help them get through all of the negative emotions that they may be going through." I said getting ready to spit more facts out.

"Okay yes that may be true but how do we know that you are actually over what has happen in you childhood." She tapped her pen.

I should shove that pen in the side of her neck. "If I was still emotionally scarred I would have committed some type of crime or done something to raise suspicion to the local authorities, however according to my records, you can clearly see I have not" informed her

She shifted in her chair looking at her watch. "Okay, have u ever babysat or took care of kids before."

Nope " yes actually my friend's mom works night shift and I used to stay with her and helped take cause of her little brother."


"Hey excuse me, but I would like to have a word with Mrs. Valentine." A man said opening the door, he looks familiar.

"Umm okay go ahead"

"Alone, Clara" he walked into the room while she walked out.

He walked behind the desk and started doing something on the computer.

"Okay, done" he said getting up and sitting in the chair across from me.

"Do you know who I am" he asked picking up the clipboard.

"Umm noooo" I said awkwardly.

"My names Jordan, I'm the owner"

"Oh okay" awkward.


"Okay so why did u want to speak with me" I asked after a few minutes of silence.

"I know who u are" he said smirking.

"Yeah I'm pretty sure you do, you have my files anyways" oh shit.

"Okay sure play dumb.. Joker"

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