Chapter 23

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"Okay here we go" I said stopping in front of the door.

I opened the door and heard gasp. I looked at the class and saw Jake and Dylan sitting in the back corner with a shocked expression and I also saw Enzo and Emma. Emma was sitting on Enzo's lap. I walked over to the teacher who was sitting at her desk.

"Hey so my kids are aiming to class with me from here on out and the principal said they could just to let you know." I said handing her the pass. I then rolled the stroller to the back where Dylan and Jake where sitting. There was two empty desk in front of them so I sat in one of them with Cole in my lap and motioned for Dante to seat in the other one that was in front of Jake.

"So hey guys" I said smiling at Dylan and Jake who still had shocked expressions. "This is Cole, that's Dante and that's Skylar" I said pointing at the kids. "And this is Jake and Dylan" I said pointing at them.

"Hey Dante, hi Cole, Hey Skylar. Rose what the fuck is wrong with you" Dylan yelled

"Well jeez excuse me didn't you read my note, and I'm pretty sure u know why" I said

"Yeah but still I didn't get a proper goodbye and you just up and leave I had no way of getting contact with you" she shouted.

"Dylan calm yo ass down. I'm back now and we can talk about this later" I said turning around in my seat.

I looked over at Dante to see that Jake was trying to make conversation with him but he was only giving him one word answers or shaking his head. Cole was messing with the rips in his jeans and Skylar was playing with the toys hanging above her.

I pulled my phone out of my book bag and just scroll on social media a little bit. The bell then rings telling us to go to lunch.

I get up and grab the stroller and make sure that Dante gets Cole. Dylan is currently mad at me but she'll get over it and Jake is trying to comfort her. I make Sure that Dante walks beside me and we walk to the cafeteria. I'm not really hungry but If Dante is ill take him to go get something but he shouldn't be because we just ate.

When we got to the cafeteria I sat at the table where no one usually sits and fix Skylar a bottle. Once I'm down with it I turn to Dante who is sitting to my right and Cole is sitting to my left. "So are you hungry." I ask Dante while I feed Skylar.

He shakes him head no. "What's wrong" I ask

"Nothing it's just I've never been to high school" he told me.

That's right he is a freshman but if he went to school this year he's supposed to be a sophomore. "Well you can go next year" I told him

Just as the words left my mouth Enzo, Emma and her rats come. "Hey slut I see you brought your trolls with you" she said sitting at the table across from me and Enzo sits next to Dante while one of Emma's rats seat next to Cole.

I gave Skylar to Dante and scoot his chair closer to me and doing the same with Coles. "And I see your face held" I laugh.

"You bitch, I could have taken you I just wasn't ready" she scuffed.

"And bitch you are you ready now" I said tilting my head.

"You know that bitch ain't ready" I heard a voice from behind me say. I knew instantly that it was Dylan so I didn't turn around.

"Unique" Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora