Chapter 25

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When I get to Enzo's house i am greeted by guards at the gate. "Name?" The guard who I notice is Zack and Cody (Enzo's friends from in the gym when he gave Rose the picture)

"Zack if you don't get the fuck up out my face and let me in" I roll my eyes.

"Name? Or your not going in" Zack says raising his voice.

Hold up, hold up, hold uppp. Who the fuck do he think he talking to. I get out my car and lean back on it. "Zane I am not in the mood for your fucking games let me in the fucking building or I'm beating your fucking ass" I say walking up to him.

"Jeez Rose chill he was just playing, go ahead and go in" Cody says opening the gate.

I got back in my car and parked my car in Enzo's driveway. I walked up to the door and ringed the doorbell. I waited for a little while before Enzo came to the door.

"Hey, come in" Enzo said moving to the side.

"Hey, is Ralo still where we left him" I ask looking around.
"Yeah he's still there. After you did what you did to him we gave him enough food for him to heal but now he only gets 2 pieces of bread and a cup of water every other day." Enzo says leading me to the basement.

"Okay so he's all healed up" I ask.

"Yeah" Enzo says stopping in-front of Ralos cell

"Listen Rose. I just want to explain. I never intended on hurting you. I didn't think that you even wanted to be with me. You left as soon as you woke up. I know I was wrong to have sex with Emma especially right after me and you had sex. But I didnt know what to d-

"Listen Enzo I told you before I don't care anymore. It's okay we weren't even together. Just open the door." I say stepping back from the cell so he can open it.

Enzo lets out a sigh and unlocks the door. I walk in the room to see Ralo in the middle of the room tied to a chair. Me and Enzo go in side and shit the door behind up.

"I'm backkk" I sing

"Your looking better now that you've healed.......but you still look like shit" I chuckle patting his back. "Okay so I have some questions for you" I pulling the chair from the corner of the room in front of him. "And tell the truth"  I say pulling the cloth away from his mouth and quickly throwing it on the ground.

"So what really happen to my parents" I ask

"Okay so new rule. Each time you don't answer my questions I'm going to make a cut on your body until you either die or answer my questions. And trust me your death we'll be long if u don't answer MY. FUCKING. QUESTIONS" I hissed.

"So I'm going to ask again what happen to my parents" I ask sitting back.

"Okay bet" I got up from the chair and pulled my knife out of my waist band.

I saw fear flash in Ralos eyes he could have made this easier on himself.  I walked up to Ralo and plunged the knife into his side. He screamed in pain asking me to stop but this was only the beginning. I turned the knife slowly and yanked it out. Blood spilled out of Ralo and I watched it leak to the floor like the worthless liquid it is.

"Umm I wonder how many cuts I can make on your arm before you pass out" I said grabbing his arm.

"No, no please" he pleaded

"All you have to do is tell me" I said making a cut on his arm slowly. I continued making cuts down Ralos arm as he screamed.

"O-okay okay I'll tell u" he screamed.

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