》Chapter 14《 [EDITED]

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Bendy POV

Me and Brittney were walking back to our hotel room when stopped walking she started swaying.

"Are you ok?", I asked, putting my hand on her back being prepared to catch her in case she fell or anything.

She was going to say something else but then she fell and I caught her. I saw cup, mug and boris running towards me and then she closed her eyes. 

"Nononononononononono c'mon stay with me!"I yelled smacking her face gently.

Cup runs over to us and yelled in my face while snaching her away from me.


"i didnt do anything!! She just passed out!!"

"Cup call down...", mugs said putting his hand on his shoulder.

Cup took a breath and looked at me

"What happened?"

"We were walking back to the hotel and then shre starts swaying and then she just passed out, I don't know  if she was tired or...", i trailed off remembering what those guys were doing.

One of the guys put something in her drink and I was hesitant to tell her but I didn't because of the idiot I am.

It was my fault she got drugged and passed out...I can't believe I did that...

We rushed to the hospital and they took her in and cup and mug were PISSED.

"What the fuck just happened....?" Cup said.

"umm...I uh...errr....", i stuttered.

"What the fuck happened?!?!?!", he yelled in my face.

"I think....she was drugged...", I said nervous still

"WHAT?!", They both yelled their eyes blazing with anger, but eventually they
left and me and Boris were just standing there...not knowing what to do...

{284 WORDS}

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