》Chapter 16.5 (Behind the scenes)《

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"OH COME ON PEOPLE!!!!" ,Brittney unexpectedly yells.

"What's the problem now sis?", Bendy says waltzing into the main break room.

"How many time do I have to tell you guys to put.your.shoes.away.so.no.one.trips.on.them! ", Brittney says glaring at bendy and mugs, who was sitting on the couch reading.

"Well they aren't my shoes so I don't wanna hear it", mug said pushing up his glasses.

A bell suddenly rings throughout the studio catching everyone's attention.

"Main actors and actresses, please report to ms. Rouge's office".

With that being said the main cast, Bendy, Boris, Cup, Mug, Brittney and Felix head over to ms. Rouge's office to see what was needed.

"So what's up rouge?", cuphead asks.

"I've been looking over your scripts and..we probably may need to redo 3 or 4 episodes...suprise!" Rouge says making jazz hands while saying 'suprise'

They all froze in disbeleif...

To be continued

I needed to update something XD. I think I'll start writing the next chapter later. Buuut imma go to sleep. It's late and I'm sick so oops that's not really healthy is it? :/ well okie. Goodnight -w-

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