》Chapter 16《 [EDITED]

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Cuphead POV

My heart sunk when I heard those words.

"What happened?!", I asked impatiently

"She's in a deep coma but hanhaki is attacking her, the worst case is she might suffer for a while or..", the doctor stoped.

"Or what?!?", I yelled.

"She'll die...", he said in a sad way.

. . .

No......no no no no she can't, I care for her, we love her! She can't die!

"No! Your lying!!", I yelled at him, grabbing his shirt collar and my eyes blazing with anger.

Brittney POV

It hurts! I tried screming, crying, throwing up petals...but I couldn't. I finally decided to leave my body and ease the pain. I sighed and sat on the floor crying. I didn't know what to do. I look up to see the doctors inject needles in me and one specific one caught my eye, I saw the label which read 'stabilizer'. I didn't think much of it until I started to feel the pain again and I began to be sucked into my body.

The world went black, I opened my eyes to see a bright light. I closed them and opened them again, I waited for my eyes to adjust and I see I'm in the hospital bed.

I try to sit up but it hurt and I was held down by something. I look to my side to see mug laying his head on my arm and a tear stain on his face. With the strength I had I wiped a tear that was falling down and smiled.

"Wakey wakey sleepy beauty", I head from the door way.

I look and see cups there

"Hey", I managed to say, though my voice was weak.

"How do you feel?", He asked.

"I feel a lot better actually, it just hurts to sit up", I said putting my hand an mugs' back.

"You think you can walk?", he asked.

"I think so", I sat up but it hurt a lot, and stood up

I walked around the room a little and I felt no pain.

"Huh, I guess I can", I said walking back to the bed and sitting down.

Mug woke up and when he saw me he gave me a big hug, making sure he doesn't hurt me though. I returned the hug and smiled. He let go and I got up beginning to pack my things.

"What are you doing?", cup asked.

"We can't stay here forever, besides...you have a mission to complete....", I said

They both looked down and I sighed.

"Can you please leave? I need to get ready", I asked them.

They nodded and left the room closing the door..I started getting ready, thinking about what we would do next...

Time skip

We walked out of the hospital..well....THEY walked, I was carried -_- . Anyway, I was asked multiple times if I was all right and I said I was and I meant it.

I wanted to go get something before we went back to the motel. I jumped off of mugs' back and ran to the bookstore. Seeing the sign said it was closed, I was ready to leave but saw bendy and boris inside so I decided to go say hi.

Felixs' POV

Sheba got what bendy asked for when the door opened

"Hello?", A female voice said.

Me and sheba looked at the girl and we then looked at each other. The girl looked at me and walked up to me slowly, her eyes bringing back so many memory's to my head....

"Higher daddy higher!! Hahaha", she said.

"OK here we go!"I said picking her up using my legs.

"Daddy..I miss mommy...", she said.

"I know sweetheart, but she's in here", I told her pointing to her chest.

She smiled at me and gave me a hug.


{642 WORDS}

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