Chapter 28

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"You've got 30 minutes to tell me what the fuck you know" I hissed.

Our enemy, was being spared for the time being. Seeing as that Lilian could get in his head, I'd be using that to my advantage.

He kept his dark blue eyes on Lilian before trailing them back to me, "Why? I'm gonna die even if I tell you" he shrugged.

I put my thumb and index finger on each side of my temples, trying really fucking hard to contain my anger.

I could use Stella right about now.

"Surely you'd known that one way or another you'd die this way right?" I asked. "Yea but I still haven't gotten to take Lilian out yet so what's the point" he stated, looking the least bit stressed out.

Me, Kai, and Jay narrowed our eyes at him.

Lilian sighed and sat down in front of him, "Tell you what buddy, I'll go out with you wherever after this. But I need you to compromise, fuck Javier. Three of my best friends are trapped in there and I really need to get them out" Lilian said, letting her eyes dig into his.

His whole demeanor changed the moment Lilian let her sorrow slip into her words.

He frowned and nodded his head, he leaned back in the chair.

"I don't do his dirty work voluntarily, Javier has jurisdiction over his territory of New York so obviously he gets a say. Few of the people that work, the minority of us, are threatened into being his little soldiers. We don't have a choice, our families die at the cost of our will when it comes to it. Police won't do shit either" he said.

"Have you seen a girl named Stella or Jayda there?" Jay asked.

He frowned, deep in thought.

"Yeah, Stella put five of Javier's men in the hospital during her entry" He murmured, flipping his light brown hair to the side.

I felt my heart swell, that's my girl.

"And Jayda, if that's the one who got dragged in. Dirty blonde hair and all, she's still alive if that's what you mean. But she's definitely not in the best shape" he continued.

I looked over, Kai seemed a little disturbed. He shook his head and stormed out, I let him.

I knew how he felt in a way, my girl is there too.

"What's your name?" I asked, raising my head.


"Well Daniel, congratulations. You get to live a little bit longer" I said.


The buzzing of the tattoo gun was one of the few noises that took up the small room.

Tattoos don't hurt me, but I still like the pain. It's like punishing myself for my sins, I let the pain of Stella walking away that day tear me apart, I wanted it to.

We had done the shipment successfully and quick earlier so in celebration, I was letting my body be graced by more ink, once again.

It was on my chest where my heart would be, I had already gotten a tattoo with roses and thorns. Because it was the only thing I could use to describe my heart, it had thorns.

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