Chapter 1

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  Keith had meant to go to sleep early and wake early. Now, that hadn't exactly happened, but he had tried, okay? He'd tried and that's what matters. He'd gone to bed at 8pm, and he'd gone to sleep at 3am. And he supposed he could have gone to sleep earlier, but his mind hadn't quietened down

  Which was, incidentally, the opposite of what was happening now. He struggled to piece his thoughts together to remember exactly why he'd meant to go to bed early.

  Urgh he was so fucking stupid. Today was his birthday, which meant, cue holy singing, his soulmate would be revealed to him today.

  He rolled over leisurely and checked his alarm clock. "Shit." It was noon, which meant he'd wasted half the day and he was late to meet up with Shiro and Allura. 

  He flung off the covers and shucked off his pajamas, pulling on his clothes and brushing his teeth at the same time. He didn't bother showering - his hair always took forever to dry anyway.

  The coffee shop, (thankfully) was just down the road from his flat, so he could walk and only be a tiny bit late. 

Keef: so anyway yall peasants have really been waiting for me huh

Allura: You here?

Keef: ye

  Allura and Shiro were at the window seat, sipping tea. "You're late," Allura pointed out.

  "I slept in," Keith answered.

  Shiro came and sat down across from Keith, "I just ordered for us. Keith, I got your usual."

"Awesome sauce, my guy."

  Shiro made a face, "I have made an executive decision that I will be ignoring that."

  Allura leaned forward, resting her chin on clasped hands and looking at Keith. "So. Are you excited? Today you'll turn twenty one! What do you think your soulmate will be like?"

"I don't know..." Keith mused, "But yeah, I'm excited, I guess. I just hope whoever they are they'll be nice." Keith frowned. 

  Yes, Keith was excited. Yes, Keith was beyond freaked out. All he wanted was a soulmate, but was that him being selfish? He only really wanted a soulmate for all that 'unconditional love' shit.

  It was too soon when Shiro and Allura stood up and decided to leave. Fuck, fuck, fuck. That meant Keith would have nothing left to occupy him until his soulmate turned up.  

  He threw himself into a frenzy, trying to find something to occupy himself. He ended up rearranging his apartment, picking out a new playlist on Spotify. Maybe he was putting off the inevitable, maybe he was distracting his mind, it didn't really matter. All that mattered was his soulmate.

  Keith frowned, sighing with a soft smile on his lips. He couldn't help it, the idea of a soulmate was too good to be true, and within a few hours, he would find his own.

Keith paced, and he paced. Try as he might, he couldn't stop walking back and forth, and maybe it was a good thing. It soothed his mind.

With just a few minutes left to go, he sat gingerly down on his couch, staring out of the door.

  At midnight (why midnight he had no idea) there would be a trail leading him to his soulmate. He didn't know what the trail would look like, but he assumed he'd know it when he saw it.  

Keith checked his watch again, for possibly the thousandth time that day, counting down the seconds.

And three... two... one...

Keith flung open his door eagerly, expecting to see a trail, any kind of trail. But there was none. Maybe his watch was wrong...?

No. No, he had calibrated it earlier today. He stumbled back inside, managing to shut the door on his way down. He shrunk against a wall, crumpling into a little ball. No, no he refused to believe this.

Keith ran over to his computer, opening it and tapping in keys. He wouldn't accept this. He just wouldn't.

Letting out a strangled half laugh, half sob, Keith tapped enter.

His search engine exploded with stories of people with soulmates. People who didn't have soulmates or people who's soulmates had died.

None of which had soulmates who had come late.

Keith squeezed his ears shut, trying to ignore the hot tears pushing at his eyelids. But he couldn't ignore them, hard as he tried. So instead, he relented, letting them stream down his cheeks.

  He could already see it in his head: his phone piling up with texts, him missing classes. Shiro and Allura would grow closer to one another as Keith drifted apart.

  Keith shook his head. No, that scenario wasn't him, and it was dumb. 

  He got up from the couch and opened up his laptop.

  Professor Livingston, he wrote, as you may or may not know, today I turned 21. Unfortunately I received no trail. Do you have any research or stories of anything similar? Professor Livingston took the soulmate major, and most of the students really looked up to her.

  He expected he'd get an email the next day, or perhaps the next week. Of course, he didn't really know Professor Livingston, so it wasn't his fault that he didn't know about her lack of a sleep schedule.

  Oh yea, I know you, Livingston wrote back. She hadn't written anything else, but she'd posted a link.

  Keith clicked on the link. It came up with an article, and Keith read over it quickly.  

'Myra Lyre, a girl of twenty-five years may hold the answers to some of our questions. She had a soulmate by the name of Taran, there had been no denying it— the trail had led right to him.

But when she turned up at his house at Midnight, he rejected her.

"Yeah. Yeah, it was pretty hard when Taran rejected me," says Miss Lyre. "I was in a pretty bad place for a while, until I met Reece. She helped me a lot. Of course, it didn't help that he had taken my colours, but I could deal."

Myra settled into a new pattern, until one day, disaster struck.

"I mean, it was nice that day. It shouldn't have been nice. It should have been gloomy or something, right? I was drinking tea at the time, and I remember everything so clearly.

"But then everything just... changed. I mean, I don't even know how to describe it. There was just this pain here [over my heart], and all the beautiful colours were back. I won't lie, I was ecstatic. I mean, I could finally see the colour of Reece's eyes.

"She kind of just looked at me, and I could see the confusion. When I explained her smile kind of just dropped. She knew even before I did, that he was dead.

"She told me, and I won't lie, I didn't pay much thought at all. And suddenly she just changed. Reece threw herself into work - although I'm not sure why. She herself had a soulmate.

"I guess it was for me, but she changed her Uni course and began to research soulmates. Then, she took a teaching course. When she'd finished her teaching course, she applied at our Uni and became a professor. She taught about Soulmates, writing in her spare time.

"I mean, I was happy for her, but she became less like Reece and more like Professor Livingston. What I mean to say is that Taran impacted me in ways I could never have imagined."

Myra became a scientist, looking at chemical makeups, seeing how a soulmate is decided. In her spare time, she is a writer. She and Reece have formed a support group for young adults who don't have a soulmate, or aren't in love with their soulmate.

  "A message to everyone?" Myra asked, "Your soulmate doesn't define your self worth. After all, Reece had a soulmate and she didn't love him. I had a soulmate and he didn't love me. But that doesn't matter, because I've found love without a soulmate."

  Keith smiled.


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