Chapter 13

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A//N !!! Dudes this is important so please read

I have this other book I've been working on for about 2 weeks? Its under my account @bellumdraconis and it's called 'the quiet ones' and it's basically an original queer, fluffy g|g thing so yah, check it out!

Keith was still incredibly annoyed at Lance, and the list of why seemed to be growing all the time.

First Lance had been snappy to Keith, and he seemed to be all the time. Keith often wondered why Lance set him on edge so much. And so many other things had happened, and now Lance had completely dropped off the radar for days. He wasn't coming to work, he wasn't answering texts, he was simply gone...

It shouldn't have bothered Keith so much. He shouldn't be so worried. But he was. He couldn't help it and he couldn't stop worrying that Lance's body was sprawled somewhere far away, cold and lifeless. It was so stupid. It was irrational. It had to stop.

He snatched his keys from their hook and prepared to drive to work.

Except he didn't end up driving to work, he ended up with his forehead resting on the steering wheel and his eyes squeezed shut, Fall Out Boy playing in the background.

He needed to get himself together, and what better way than meeting up with people. Fake it til you make it, right? If only Keith believed he was right.

He arranged to meet Allura after work—yes, Allura of all people. Not his first choice after what had happened with Lance, but she was still a good person, and her intentions were good. Probably.

He met her after work in the park. He couldn't bring himself to go back to the cafe with her after what had transpired there last time. Who could blame him? No one, although even if it was completely understandable he didn't want to tell Allura; he would feel bad.

Yeah, most people are like oh my god, Keith has emotions? Yeah well fuck you. Of course he has emotions, and he feels bad when he's rude. Well--mostly. Some people deserve it. (You know who you are).

"Keith, you made it!" Allura called over to Keith, a look of desperation and relief ever present on her face.

"Yep." Keith relied, bouncing awkwardly on the balls of his feet. "Yep, I came. Just, uh, wanted t hang out with someone."

"Very good." Allura replied.

Everything fell silent, covered in a blanket of welp-shit-this-is-awkward.

"So I figured that instead of going to a cafe this time we could just go to Subway. I mean, it's pretty much the same thing just all you can get is . . . well, sandwiches." Keith said.

"Sounds good," Allura replied, falling into step with Keith. "So, have you heard from Lance lately?"

Keith frowned, "Actually, no. Have you?"

Allura shook her head, "I haven't heard from him since . . . you know."

Keith nodded. "I figured after I helped him we would have talked more, but he's completely dropped off the radar for days. He hasn't answered my calls, he isn't coming to work. He's just . . . --" Keith gestured helplessly, "--Gone."

Allura nodded, opening the door for Keith.

They ordered and sat down, continuing to talk. Keith found it surprisingly easy to talk to Allura after what had happened. He'd thought it would be harder.

"I just want you to know," Allura said after they sat down, "It's not because of Lance, and I never intended to lea him on. I think I was leading on myself. You see, my soulmate was always Shiro, but he left me. I don't think we ever felt attraction to each other." She sighed. "But I was willing to make it work, and he wasn't. Anyway, he was gay, and I don't even feel attraction. To anyone!"

Keith's eyes widened, "Oh." He said quietly.

"I thought maybe Lance and I could make it work. I hoped we could anyhow. But we couldn't."

Allura's eyes filled with tears, and she wiped them away as their food came. She ate with her head bowed.

"Keith, Allura!" A familiar voice called.

"Speak of the devil," Allura muttered. "Well, I think I'll have this to go," Allura forced a smile. "Keith, Shiro, I'll see you later."

Shiro watched Allura's receding form with confusion in his eyes, but said nothing. He had a huge grin on his face. Like, huge as in you could see it from miles away.

"So, Shiro, what brings you here?" Keith asked with a forced smile. Not that Shiro would be able to tell.

"Just a bit hungry, that's all," Shiro smiled. "You?"

Keith waved his hand, "Just a lunch date with Allura, you know the deal. We were kind of making amends with each other after . . . what happened with Lance. You know?"

Shiro smiled, "And here I thought you were watching The Addams Family again."

Keith looked indignant, "I would never!"

"Well you did last weekend."

"Whatever. Go order something you asshole."

Shiro came back with an unmistakeable grin on his face, and he probably wasn't going to keep it to himself. Any second now he would share it with Keith. Any second . . .

Unless it was something kinky.

"You won't believe what happened to me the other day."

Keith rolled his eyes, "Here we go . . ."

"Adam proposed to me!"

Keith whipped his head around to Shiro, his eyes wide. "He what?" Keith blinked.

Shiro extended his hand so Keith could see his ring.

"Holy shit. That is. Wow. That sure is an unexpected turn of events."

"Why is it unexpected?"

"Well, I just always thought you'd propose to him, you know?"

"Anyway, I'm going to go see Adam. Later." Shiro got up from his seat and out the door in a flash, that stupid grin still on his face.

"Dude. Pidge." Keith grinned, speaking into his phone.

"Yo, your saviour is here. What can I do for the peasant today."

"Oh, just, uh, I'm kind of worried about Lance, you know? He's dropped off the radar for days. He's not returning my calls, and he hasn't been at work."

Pidge laughed hysterically. It was actually more cackling than laughing. "Oh man," She said. "Oh man. He hasn't told you? Oh this is hilarious. You've been worrying about him, huh? Oh, dude."

Keith shifted uncomfortably, "No, he hasn't told me, so spit it out."

"Dude, he's just visiting his gramps and all that shit."

"Oh . . ."

"Man, you must be feeling so dumb right now!"

"Shut up!" Keith said, his face burning. He was mad. He was so mad. At himself and Lance. Lance didn't tell him, and now he felt incredibly stupid.

"I am so telling Lance!"

"Goodbye, Pidge."

A//N !!! Dudes this is important so please read

I have this other book I've been working on for about 2 weeks? Its under my account @bellumdraconis and it's called 'the quiet ones' and it's basically an original queer, fluffy g|g thing so yah, check it out!

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