Chapter 3

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   Lance remembered waiting for hours, until finally he realised; he didn't have a soulmate. He was just glad his family had been out, or they would have heard the sobbing, they would have heard his fist connect with the wall.

   But that had been months ago. It wasn't worth thinking about anymore. So instead, he covered the pain, acted like nothing ever happened.

   Incoming call: Pidgeon
   Lance picked up his phone, swiping right to accept the call.

   "Uh, what was that?" Pidge demanded.

   "I have no idea what you're talking about." Lance replied calmly.

   "Bullshit! You didn't even look at Matt. He's my soulmate for god's sake. Have some respect.

   "You know what? I'm sick of you moping around, it's all you ever do now! So here's the thing - I will find your soulmate. No strings attached."

   "I don't know," Lance replied slowly. "How do you even know I have a soulmate?"

   "Don't be stupid, if you didn't have one why would you have held up the hope? Your brain isn't dumb, just trust it for once."

   Lance chewed on his lip, closing his eyes. Maybe... maybe Pidge was right. And it couldn't hurt to try could it? Except it could. He could allow himself to hope, only for it all to come crashing down.

   "I'll do it," Lance finally said.


  So somehow Lance had been roped into a search for a soulmate that may not even exist. This could be trouble.

   Not that Lance could help it, so instead he lay down on his bed, staring at the ceiling and trying to imagine what his soulmate would be like.

   He wanted them to be funny, they had to at least get his jokes or else what was the point? But maybe a little bit serious. Well, not serious exactly, but able to take stuff seriously. And above else they absolutely needed to accept Lance for his flaws and all.

   And maybe a tiny bit attractive? Not that it was the main factor, but it would be nice. Yeah, he had heard of soulmates who weren't physically attracted to one another, but that didn't  necessarily mean it would happen to him, right?

   A few hours later, Lance was sitting at a cafe, staring out of the window, anywhere but at one of the few other people inhabiting the cafe.
It wasn't that he didn't like them... it's just that he didn't like them.
And who could blame him? After all, it was the guy that had somehow managed to beat him at everything, no matter how hard Lance tried. It was also the guy that Lance had never spoken to, save a few instructions at work.

Keith fucking Kogane.

   But who really cared? Keith didn't matter after Takashi Shirogane walked into the quaint little cafe.

Shiro was Lance's hero, and had been for as long as Lance could remember. The man was amazing, truly a kind soul. Aside from teaching at Lance's university, he could often be found doing charity work, and all the sorts.

Lance gazed at him, following Shiro with his eyes. He wanted to talk to the man - badly. He just couldn't work up the courage. Despite Lance's obvious devotion, Shiro hadn't ever given Lance a second thought.

So instead Lance waits. Waits for Pidge, waits for love, waits for life to give him a break. Always watching, always on the fringes. Maybe he should feel used to it, life for Lance had been like this for a while now, but it had never ceased to hurt. Loneliness was not a good feeling.

The door of the cafe swing open, and a little gremlin swaggered in, "Lance, I think I've found you your soulmate!"

"Are you sure? Cuz if you're not sure..."

"Relax, Lance. Matt and I triple checked it. It's almost certain."

Lance eyed Pidge doubtfully, but he couldn't deny that if anyone was right, it would be Pidge.

Lance said, "So what's their name?"

"Allura Altea." Pidge said proudly. "I think you'll like her." Extracting her phone from her pocket, Pidge showed Lance a picture. The picture in question was of a girl with coffee dark skin and blue-white curly, long hair, framing purple and blue eyes. She was gorgeous, her eyes shining with genuine happiness.

"Pidge, are you sure? Like, you're sure that you're sure? I don't want to be disappointed." Lance rushed out in a low whisper, not daring to look at Pidge. If he had indeed looked at Pidge, he would have seen pity in his friend's eyes. He didn't want pity, it would make him feel all the worse.
"I'm sure," Pidge said indignantly. "If you don't believe me you can decide for yourself. She's right here." Her frown turned into a smug grin as she jogged outside, coming back inside with a tall being in tow. Allura Altea - Lance's supposed soulmate. Or, at least, Pidge and Lance hoped that she was.

Lance took a sip from his latte, looking up at Allura. He expected to take one look at her and immediately know that she wasn't his soulmate. He expected confirmation that he was soulmate-less. Instead he was blinded, not that he knew it. Blinded by her smile, her kindness.

"H-ello," Lance stammered, a blush spreading across his cheeks. He quickly shook the lovesick feelings away, sliding in a sleek smirk. "The name's Lance. And you must be Allura Altea, my supposed soulmate." He said smoothly.

Allura smiled at Lance's faintly endearing moves.

Lance still wasn't entirely convinced that Allura was his soulmate, but he figured that if Allura was indeed his soulmate, it wouldn't be fair of him to reject her. Besides, why would he reject such a gorgeous lady? It wasn't a very smart move. "So, could I take you out sometime? I would love to get to know you."

"I suppose we could talk a bit and get some food." Allura smiled in a faint british accent.

"Food? Talking? I guess it's officially a date," Lance wiggled his eyebrows at Allura, making her laugh. And yes, Lance McClain was indeed flirting again, seemingly as carefree as he was before the whole soulmate incident. He is unaware whether or not he is making a mistake, but he has already made so many mistakes it couldn't hurt to try, right?

Oh, poor boy. It will hurt. It will hurt very badly, you have no idea.
After exchanging numbers and addresses (and Pidge continuing to order more food with Lance's card), the trio parted ways with smiles and hopeful hearts. You have to wonder how long those smiles and hearts will last before they are broken. Some last longer than others; some are so, so brittle.

A//N: please don't hate me it's not actually Allurance, you'll see. I PROMISE it's Klance.

Klance soulmate au //COMPLETED//Where stories live. Discover now