Chapter 12

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So fam, I finally did it. I updated. Yeah, I've been sitting on this chapter for, like, a week, but whatever, glad to see y'all again, but I'm serious, comment what ship I should do a one shot of. I mean, no one cares but I'm bored guys, and I love y'all so yah later

  Lance opened his door and flung himself on the couch, cursing when his head lolled off the side.

The date had been nice. Great, even. Plaxca was great.

But now there was nothing to do, and he was bored. He considered texting Keith, but after what he had said to him, he wasn't liking his chances. He felt super bad, and he didn't want to put Keith through any of that.

Seriously, Keith had been super nice to him when no one else had wanted to - getting close to a hysterical young adult and all - and he had repaid him like this.

But then Keith was so intense and fierce, and Lance didn't want to look weak, or even that he cared too much.

  Lance leaped to his feet, careening wildly through the living room, looking for something, anything, to distract him. He was usually unbelievably sassy and sarcastic - yes, sassy - to people, and he never felt bad. Yet he felt bad the one time he acted this way to Keith. This was nonsense.

  Although, he was less sarcastic, more rude, so maybe that counted for something. But it still felt incredibly weird that now he wanted to make amends. Well, he was too scared to make amends, but he got the message itself.

  Distractions - any distractions. Yep, that's what he seemed to be looking for. His eyes fell on his remote. Nothing good would be on satellite, but Netflix followed no such rules - Doctor Who was always available, and if that failed, well... Barbie never failed.

  He flicked through to find Barbie and clicked play. He was about five minutes in when he started panicking. Barbie never failed. Barbie was failing. Okay, Lance drew in a deep breath. Calm.

  He took his phone out of his pocket and scrolled through his contacts. How about he call Pidge? Yeah, good idea. He went into iMessage and-- damn. A message from his Abuela dominated the screen.

  'Lance' He could almost hear her voice yelling. 'You haven't visited us in forever.You must come to see us this soon, which is final.'

  Lance groaned. Did adults even know how to text? Apparently not.

Right, there was no putting it off— procrastination. He didn't want to go to his abuela's, and he certainly didn't want to think about Keith. So yeah, fun.

His phone was a no go, seeing as he was trying to avoid his Abuela. The only way he could do that aaa avoid his phone. What had life come to that he was ready and willing to stay off his phone.

He frowned, chewing pensively on his lip. He was sure he had some CDs lying around here somewhere. He looked around, and spotted the end of one peeking out underneath who-knows-what.

Lance tugged it out, prying free a copy of Panic! At The Disco's Pretty. Odd.

Man, he used to be obsessed with that band. Ryan Ross was so pretty. Pretty odd!

Yep, Lance thought, sliding the CD into his old stereo. He was dying. Killing himself, making terrible puns that weren't funny in any way. At least Lance was the only one who could hear himself, otherwise he would have died of embarrassment.

  He ended up listening to the entire album - he'd forgotten how much he loved pre breakup panic! Particularly Ryan Ross if he were being honest.

  Another message came into his phone, and the curiosity was just eating away at him. He had to know if it was one of his friends, or his Abuela.

  He scooped up his phone and turned it on. He felt a smile spread across his face at his good fortune. It was Pidge.

  'hey loser' it read, 'im bored so its your job to make sure i dont set anything on fire'

  'No pretty sure its not....'

  'It definitely is. Besides hunks busy'

  'Oh yeah? And whos to say im not?'


  Lance groaned, getting up and pacing around the kitchen. 'Yep, its my abuela'


  Lance almost felt better, but unfortunately that wasn't the case. Instead, he felt much the same. By that, he meant bored. It seemed he was in these moods all too much, now. Everything sucks.

  Especially school. So that hadn't changed.

  He ended up putting Netflix back on, watching a few of his favourite Doctor Who episodes again. As it turned out, he still couldn't watch Silence in the Library without the lights on.

   A text popped up, this time from Lance's Abuela 'I'm serious, Lance. You must begin your drive tomorrow'

  Lance put his head back and groaned. Really? Tomorrow? Well he supposed he wasn't busy tomorrow. But why? He was dreading what his Abuela would say. She would most definitely ask about his soulmate, and before yesterday he would have been fine with that. Heck - he would have been proud of who his soulmate. Now he was a flaming heap of meh.

  In fact, he now hated all mentions of soulmates, it was his most hated subject, and most of all, he hated that everyone who had a soulmate was so happy. So in love with life.

  And then there was Lance, who was a sarcastic shithead, and Keith, wo was a cynical asshole. Man, what a pair. Just proof that not having a soulmate resulted in, well, whatever Lance and Keith were.

Oh well, now he has no choice but to go to visit is Abuela and Abuelo. That woman scared him. Although e would finally get good food after all the months of ramen. Yes, Lance loved ramen, but night after night of it, well... it starts to get old.

  He stared at his phone for a while before creating a group chat with all of his friends. Or at least - the friends who would care.

'rip. im going to visit my grandparents and i just know theyll ask about my soulmate. wish me luck.'

  Almost immediately, someone messaged back. 'Rip'

  Lance raised an eyebrow. Of course it was Pidge. Who else but Pidge would be sitting on her phone doing nothing? She, like Lance, had no life. His fingers flew across the screen, tapping his message. He needed an adequate response for Pidge to let her know that she had no life. Shouldn't be too hard.

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