Chapter 19

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Lance wasn't sure what happened. He though maybe he was showing Keith . . . Something. He was mad at Keith for craving validation when he was already valid, even though he knew that wasn't how to go about anything.

He supposed he just got caught up along the way.

He didn't know what to do about Keith anymore. He didn't know how to show him he was valid.

How does one prove something like that?

He supposed he could set up a date. Something sweet to show he genuinely cared.

He ended up packing food and drink, plus some blankets, anything cliche would do, he supposed. And sure, in retrospect something abstract and edgy would appeal to Keith too, but he wasn't thinking properly.

He was helpless.

And he was surprised to find he didn't really resent it all that much.

He ended up calling Keith while he was getting dressed, which probably wasn't a good idea when his voice kept getting muffled and he kept making weird little noises from the effort.

He really didn't want to know what Keith thought about that.

Or maybe he did.

"So," Lance said, tugging on a pants leg. "Come out to that field thing, and wear something nice. No, no, wear that button up, you know the one. It's the only button up you own."

Keith never got the chance to answer, Lance didn't want to give anything away.

He'd probably already given a lot away, he was rubbish at being mysterious.

It's not that weird for Lance to admit he was focused entirely on finding Keith. And because of that it's not weird that he spotted Keith instantly, and waved him over.

"Oh!" Keith looked a little surprised, and Lance didn't completely know why.

"So," Lance grinned, bouncing up and down on the balls of his feet. "Surprise! It's a picnic. A literal date."

"Oh," Keith said in a small voice.

Lance frowned, "Keith if I didn't like you why would I have set this whole thing up?" He had his hands on his hips and everything.

Keith paused for a few seconds, looking uncertain.

Except, this time instead of letting out a quiet string of words that denied everything Lance had said, he leapt forward.

And yeah, Lance hadn't been expecting Keith to kiss him.

And yeah, now he's the one lost for words.

Neither of them said anything for a while after that, but this time was nice. This time was comfortable.

And somewhere along the way they started holding hands, and Lance couldn't stop smiling.

They talked about everything, and they wouldn't remember any of it in a day, a week.

And it didn't matter, because it wasn't important, but it was nice.

"Y'know," Keith said eventually, "You did help."

"Hm?" Lance replied sleepily. He looked down at Keith, and fuck Keith looked so pretty.

"With everything, especially the soulmate thing. I was stressing, and I was tired, and I was scared. I know it was small, but it felt good to open up. And this sounds cheesy, but I'm glad it was you."

Lance smiled, "It's supposed to be cheesy."

Keith smacked Lance, but he was laughing, "Shut up, you! I'm trying to be serious here!"

Lance held up his hands, "Okay, okay. Sorry. Please continue."

"Well, okay, so, Shiro didn't help. He kind of emo shamed me and said I didn't fit into society in a roundabout way. It's fine now, but it hurt, so," He shrugged.

Lance opened his mouth.

"But hey, it's society's fault, right?" Keith smiled and nudged Lance. "Sorry for having a breakdown, it's just, you know the feeling where everything's horrible and you think that no one understands and you're not going to be happy for a while? You just, like, helped with that. I felt happiness after I was, like," He sighed in frustration.

"I can't put it into words."

Lance smiled, "That's okay. You don't have to. I get you."

Lance didn't want to admit that he was so mad at Keith at first. And he supposed he had a tiny bit of right to, after Keith thought that he was joking or laughing about his feelings.

But he also had no right to be mad at someone for mental health issues, which is something you can't control.

"Hey," Lance nudged Keith. "I'm glad you feel more comfortable about yourself. And, hey, if you ever need it, I'm here. You know that, right? Especially mental health wise. Even if you need someone to talk to, or to be there with you."

Keith smiled and leaned into Lance.

"Hey," Lance frowned. "Hey, hey, hey." He swivelled Keith around to face him.


"Where's your lip ring?"


"Your lip ring. It's gone."

"Uh, Lance," Keith laughed, "I literally only wore it the first week of meeting you. I haven't worn it since."

"Oh," Lance frowned. "The first time I noticed it I thought it was kind of hot."

"No one else liked it," Keith smiled.

"Am I not enough?" Lance pouted.

Keith smiled, "You know that's not—"

He would have finished his sentence, but his phone dinged with an email.

"Shit. I knew I should have put that on silent. I forgot about it."

"Why'd you take it off silent?"

"I find the keyboard tapping noises satisfying."

He took a bit to read through it, his smile dropping with each passing sentence. "So, slight problem," he said.

"Slight problem?"

"So that was University. Friendly reminder that uh, if I don't take a class soon or do some serious studying odds are I'm gonna fail all of my exams."

  Lance raised his eyebrows, "Yikes."

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