Chapter 18

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Today's authors note is v important pls read!!

"So," Keith cleared his throat awkwardly, perched on Lance's doorstep. "I know this is awkward. But, I kind of need to talk to someone? It's not major. Well it is. Um. Can I come in?"

  Lance raised his eyebrows, "Uh, yeah sure. Yeah." Neither of them mentioned what had happened yesterday.

  "So, you know how Brooklyn Nine Nine isn't coming to Netflix?" Keith's voice trailed off to the end. It wasn't that big a deal, but he needed someone to rant to, and Lance was the only one he knew who watched it. Incidentally he was also mad at Keith. "That sucks, right?"

  "Keith, sit down and tell me what's wrong."

  "Um I'm just kind of, uh, upset about Brooklyn Nine Nine leaving," Keith said carefully.

  "Buddy, there's more to it. You gotta tell me. I won't freak out, just tell me."

  Keith drew in a shaky breath and smiled gratefully. Things were awkward with Lance, but they could at least talk a little bit without being completely hostile.

Sure, it would be infinitely more healthy if they just talked about it. Then they would come to some emotionally enlightening conclusion that would leave them both feeling good about themselves.

Instead they skipped step one and went straight to pretending everything is normal.

"It's nothing," Keith insisted, "I just need to fucking rant, right?"

"Okay," Lance said slowly, "Go on."

It feels nice to Keith. Almost normal. But it's not. Everything seems... icy. On edge. Something is wrong - the fight presumably.

Every time they talk their voices are tight and clipped, and after talking about Pinof they lapse into silence.

The only reason Keith came over was to talk about Brooklyn Nine Nine, but now he's constricted by the social norms that dictate it would be rude to leave so soon.

"Want to go see a movie?" Lance murmured.


"A movie. Want to go see one?"

Keith rolled it over in his head. If he went to see one, he could leave afterwards without it being a social anomaly. "Yeah. Yeah sure, what do you want to go see?"

Lance shrugged, "Anything really."

In the end they go see an entirely generic movie. Keith thinks it might be a romance, or maybe an action. All he knows is the whole time he was supposed to be watching the movie he spent thinking instead.

And he's ashamed to admit that he had been lying to himself in some strange roundabout way.

He hated the whole time he and Lance had spent together that day, because it was off. Because they were still fighting. And he hates it when he and Lance fights, he realises with mortification.

So that meant he was weak. Maybe he should just cut all ties with Lance. He glanced over at Lance.

Lance, who was eating popcorn and staring at the movie screen with concentration, like he was trying not to look at Keith.

Nope, that wouldn't work. One look at Lance was all he needed to remember how fucking whipped he was. So yeah, that wouldn't work. Hot damn.

And Lance had said he liked him. Yeah, like that. And he had obviously been lying, but what if he hadn't? He could always dream.

He could dream of a time where Keith had the courage to tell Lance how he felt, he could dream of a future where Lance liked him back, and he could dream of a future where he and Lance had been soulmates.

He could imagine them holding hands. Not in the future, right now. All Keith had to do was reach over. He just had to move his hand, just a tiny bit.

But he didn't. Because Lance didn't like him that way, and he didn't have the courage to tell him. They weren't soulmates, and Keith was meant to pine away at Lance until he found someone else.

  He glanced over at Lance again, only this time he was thinking about the fight. The stupid, stupid fight. Shit, he needed to talk to Lance.

  But probably not yet. He needed a second opinion.

  "Shiro, this may be short notice—" Keith said, flinging to door open. "What- oh."

  "Keith!" Adam yelled, throwing a pillow at him.

  Shiro and Adam scrambled apart and fixed their hair.

  "Well at least lock the front door you freaks, you should've known this would happen."

  "Keith," Shiro whined, "Why are you here?"

  "I need to talk to someone. Anyone," Keith said, looking at the floor.

  "Well I have to go anyway, but Shiro's free. He can help you with that," Adam said, pulling on his shoes and bundling out the door.

  Shiro sank back into the couch and pulled a cushion to his chest, "So. Advice? Opinions? That's my jam. Fire the fuck away."

  Keith wanted to reprimand Shiro for saying "my jam" but it really wasn't that important for the time being.

  "It's Lance. I mean, the other day I realised I liked him, and yesterday he confessed that he liked me."

  Shiro leaned forward, "I don't see how that's a problem."

  Keith frowned, "It's a problem because he doesn't really like me, and it's a problem because now we're in some sort of fight. I'm not even really sure what it is."

  "Oh? Okay, so how do you know that he doesn't really like you?"

  "Really Shiro? I've never dated, I don't have a soulmate, and no one's ever liked me."

  "How do you know that no one's ever liked you?" Shiro asked, before he sunk back into the cushions triumphantly.

  Before Keith could speak, he frowned a little, "Actually I do have another question. Why do you say you only realised the other day? Remember, what was it? The first day of your new job? You were saying how attractive Lance was and I'm pretty sure you liked him."

  Keith frowned, "I kind of remember that, but I didn't really like him. Not like that.
That was mostly just me saying he was attractive."

  Shiro shrugged, "I can't really give you advice on this situation. You have to figure it out yourself. I think you already know the answer, but I might just be reading too much into it."

Today's authors note is v important pls read!!

Well hello, guess what?? I'm moving this here story to archive of our own - it'll still be on wattpad, but I'm slowly adding it to ao3 chapter by chapter. It's a little more edited ig?? I haven't really edited this shitty thing yet but,,

And also— I'm looking for a beta. Fuck yeahh. So head over to ao3 if you want and you can find me at sentient_cacti
  Yep that's me!
  And you can contact me in there or on here with pm if you wanna beta, cause let's be real, this whole thing is really shitty lmaooo

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