Chapter 16

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Lance grinned up at Keith as he walked in with the laptop.

"Lance, what's your email? Hang on-- you're on the wifi, right?" Keith asked.

Lance shrugged.

"Lance!" Keith said in horror, "Why didn't you tell me sooner? How are you supposed to access Netflix and watch Doctor Who when you're at my place?"

Lance grinned, "Oh, so you remembered, huh?"

Keith's smile dropped and he stared off into the distance like he wanted to die. "Please no."

Lance grinned back, "Aw, Keithy. Love you too."

Keith's eyes widened and he blinked rapidly, "Yeah. Um, what's your email?"

"Why? Trying to get your ins?"

Keith cleared his throat, "No, I need it to create your Pottermore account."

Lance smirked, but it was kind of down. "I know." He tapped the password out in silence. He cleared his throat and leaned over to type in his email.

"There we go," Lance said, the first thing that had been spoken in a good five minutes.

The silence continued, and Lance received the email and created his Pottermore account.

"Just so you know," Keith said finally. "I'm not-- I'm not in love with you. I-- I barely even like you. You're like some annoying rodent. Or something."

Lance shrugged, "I was joking." He turned back to the screen, "Okay, so what do I do now?"

Keith leaned over, "Dude, it's pretty easy. Just tap," He moved the mouse over, "Here."

"Huh," Keith said a moment later, "I guess I should've known. Lance, you are a total Gryffindor. But the shark patronus... man, what the hell?"

Lance shrugged, a little embarrassed, "Dunno, man. I really don't." It was true. He knew he was acting suspicious, but he honestly had no idea.

"Hey, uh, Keith?" Lance said, taking in a completely different tone.

"Yeah, man?"

"Well, it's just— I know I've been kind of an ass to you since we met, but I'm grateful. Really. I mean, you kind of helped me realise my worth. And no— it was not because of that talk you gave me the other day. Well, mostly."

Keith looked surprised, and he opened his mouth to speak, but Lance didn't give him a chance.

"Basically, it was just the fact that you exist. You - someone who is worthy despite not having a soulmate. It kind of made me think that maybe that reason, the reason that I've based all my fears and insecurities on, doesn't really exist. And my fears and insecurities may still exist, but," He shrugged, "I'm on a better path now. So thanks, Keith."

"Well," Keith says finally, "That's certainly a deep turn this conversation has gone to."

When Lance went home, he had a spring in his step, and a smile, despite the chilling cold. He felt good. This day felt good. He'd been meaning to tell Keith for a while now, but how Keith took it, Lance had no idea.

He hoped Keith had taken it well.

He probably had, right? Yeah.

But what if he hadn't? No. No, it was fine. This was all fine. He didn't know why he was worrying.

Ok, well, maybe he did. Lance cared for Keith, that was all. No underlying emotions there, haha.

Louder than God's revolver and twice as shiny.

Lance frowned - why had those words come to mind? He'd never heard that phrase, and he was too illiterate to come up with it himself.

He opened his phone and the first app it popped up on was notes. More specifically, a note he'd never written. It was a phrase, My Chemical Romance it read, and the next sentence under that was barely coherent - maybe a lyric? Na Na Na. Underneath it all was just -Keith

Lance frowned. Again. What the fuck is that? He shrugged and opened up his laptop to type it in. He's been wondering how the other, bigger, internet was getting on anyway.

So it was a song, and the first phrase was the band. Of that he was fairly sure.

The future is bulletproof/The aftermath is secondary/it's time to do it now and do it loud/Killjoys/Make some noise

Wow. Wow. Oh wow. Lance already loved it. This was good. Oof. Why hadn't he expected this? It was Keith. Keith had brilliant everything.

Oh wow, why was he so obsessed with Keith? This was weird. Because he was awesome, that's why. Keith, that is. Keith was great.

Although, he was supposed to go on another date, wasn't he? Yeah. Yeah he had, one with Plaxca.

He sighed, and he had no idea why. That is, why he wasn't into Plaxca. Besides, last time he went on a date with her he thought about Keith and how bad he was feeling for icing him out.

And now he was thinking about Keith again. Great. He'd felt this before, hadn't he? But it was a more... unhealthy version, with Allura.

Well this scared him. Oof.

The next day, Lance decided to hang out with Keith. Maybe it would help him to realise that he wasn't into Keith like that you weirdo.

Except when he sat in the seat across from Keith, he knew if was never going to work. Fuck, Keith was too fucking annoying to ever let him go without falling for him, wasn't he?

Yeah. Yeah, he was.

"So, how come you sounded so flustered this morning?" Keith asked, blowing on a cup of hot coffee. "Some girl ask you out?"

"Uh," Lance stammered his way through an accurate representation of normal conversation, but it clearly wasn't enough. He was terrible at this. "Well, no. You see, I realised I like someone. And that someone would never like me, and they're kind of an asshole."

Keith shrugged, "I feel you, man." He flashed Lance a smile over the rim of his cup, and Lance felt himself melt a little. Man, he hated this.

But it was also one of the greatest feelings in the world.

Welp, time to go brush up on My Chemical Romance in order to impress his new crush.


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