Chapter 2

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Lance stretched up, swinging his legs over his bed. "You are now blessed with my presence!" He sang as he walked into the living room.

"Cursed more like," Benji replied, smirking.

Lance flicked him on the forehead, walking into the kitchen. "Mama! What's for breakfast?"

"Depends. What are you making?" Lance's mom yelled back from the living room.

Lance grinned, grabbing a bowl and pouring himself cereal. He poured in the milk, grabbing a spoon before sitting down.

Benji grabbed a bowl too, pouring in first milk, then cereal. He grinned as he sat down next to Lance, "what?" He asked, knowing full well what Lance's disgusted expression stemmed from.

"Benji." He said slowly. "I thought I taught you better than this. It's cereal first, then milk."

Benji scoffed, "haven't you got a date to go to?"

Lance stood up, "yes! I do! Shit, I forgot. Benji, I'll see you later."

Lance threw on some jeans and a random top, realising he didn't have any time for his beauty routine. Lance really liked this girl, and he didn't want to mess it up.

Sure, maybe he didn't have a soulmate, but did that really mean he was meant to be alone? Well... maybe. Who really knew?

If he was being honest, if Lance didn't have expectations to uphold he wouldn't have the heart to keep up this facade. But he had to go on like everything was normal. For his family.

"So... today, my soulmate found me." Pidge smirked at Lance over the table.

"Uh..." Lance eyed Pidge. "You're asexual?"

"Yeah, duh. But it's more like brotp than otp." She said.

Lance frowned in confusion, "uh... well on another note, I got dumped."

Pidge grinned, while Hunk gasped. "Aw, c'mon, Hunk. Everyone saw it coming." Pidge punched Hunk playfully on the arm.

Yeah. Every had seen it coming.

"But guys, please. Imma introduce you to my soulmate!"

"I don't know," Lance said slowly. "I don't really need a reminder of my shortcomings."

Pidge turned around from where she stood, getting ready to go. "What did you just say?" She said threateningly.


"You will come with me when I fucking say you'll come with me, you little bitch."

"Whatever," Lance replied calmly.

He grabbed his jacket from where it was hung over the chair and followed Pidge and Hunk. Maybe it was good that he would meet someone's soulmate, maybe it was all a way to remind him to never get his hopes up. Sure, Lance knew he wasn't good enough, but he had never stopped searching.

Maybe he should just give up.

"Hey, Lance," Hunk nudged his shoulder gently. "It's okay. If you don't wanna go, it's ok. I mean, I don't know how you feel, and I never will probably, but I know you're fine. I mean, you don't even need a soulmate, you're Lance McClain!"

Lance smiled a tiny bit, but he stayed relatively somber. Hunk understood, he didn't even mind. I mean, wouldn't you be reasonably unhappy if you were going to see a reminder that you were an abnormally?

  Pidge stopped before a door, without making any move to knock or ring the doorbell, "Now, A's I'm sure you all know, I don't feel attraction. Period. But I have a soulmate, which must be very weird to you."

  Everyone nodded.
  "So I did some research, cause it was weird to me, too. The universe or whatever just wants us to be close to people. That's what soulmates are all about. That's why most soulmates are romantic, it's like, your soul's near perfect fit. That's where platonic soulmates come in, cause not all soulmates are romantic."

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