Chapter 10

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Lance drove back to work. He considered bailing and calling in sick or something, but he needed the wages. He really didn't want to face Keith after the harsh words on both of their parts, mostly because he knew Keith was right. He needed to suck it up. And they had something in common.

Their lack of a soulmate. Not really what Lance wanted to bring them together, but what could you do. Not that Lance wanted anything to bring them together or anything.

So Lance resolved to ignore Keith. He wasn't sure what was wrong with him. Maybe it was the fresh heartbreak. There had to be a reason why he was acting so weird.

Somehow Keith beat him to work, and was waiting just inside the door for him.

"You alright?"

"Fine." Lance replied, breezing past him and into work.

"Okay." Keith replied placidly, smiling at him without pushing anything.

Lance cleared his throat and walked over to his station, trying to give out the signal that he wanted to be left alone.

Keith wasn't taking the memo. Throughout the rest of the day Keith was extra nice to him, shooting him little smiles even though Keith never smiled.

Lance realised that despite his hostility toward Keith, it wasn't going to change that Keith was a metaphorical light shining through metaphorical clouds.

Nonetheless, he was still confused. Lance hadn't even apologised. So he decided to consult the all knowing master - Hunk.

He put his plan for answers into action after work, driving straight to Hunk's place. Well, straight as a bisexual can. Yes— Lance was so hysterical that he was resorting to gay puns that no one could even hear.

"Hunk!" Lance shrieked, pressing the big man's doorbell violently.

"Jeez, Lance, I'm coming!" Hunk's muffled voice came through the wood, sounding amused.

The door opened just a crack, but it was enough to shimmy through. Well, at least that's what he usually did. For once he waited until it was open all the way.

"Alright Lance. Tell me what's wrong." Hunk said kindly, leading Lance toward his couch.

"You were right. Allura isn't my soulmate. I mean," he grinned hysterically, "She told me herself!"

"She told you herself?" Hunk shrieked.

Lance got up and poured himself a glass of water, his silence answering for itself.

"How did she... y'know... break it to you."

  "Oh, you know, called in Keith - whom I'm still having a fight with - and told me straight up."

  "Okay, normally I like Allura, but... that bitch."

Lance squeezed his eyes shut, "Yeah, it's just, Pidge being ace and everything she doesn't really get it."

"Well, actually," Hunk fiddled with jus hands, "She may be ace, but experiencing no romantic attraction is aro. So I mean, you're not wrong, it's just the wrong context."

Lance smiled, "How do you know about all those terms? Heteros don't usually know those."

Hunk blanched, "It's just that I figured when you guys all came out and I was the only hetero that I may as well get familiar with your way of life."

"That's really nice Hunk."

Hunk looked away bashfully, "Anyway, you said you and Keith were still fighting. Haven't you apologised yet?"

"Well," Lance said quietly. "I mean, I was meaning to, but all this shit happened and I haven't had the chance."

"But you have to apologise." Hunk said urgently.

Lance cowered into the cushions, trying to sink beneath the soft downs. "I think it may be too late."


  Lance shook his head, "Maybe you're right, but I think I want to mull things over, first."

  He walked out of the door, trying to think of anything except Keith. Hunk had tried to help, he really had, but it wasn't the right kind of help. If he apologised now, Lance knew he would seem like a massive dickwad.

  But he also knew he couldn't go back to avoiding Keith, not when he had helped Lance go through this... experience.

  In fact, Lance didn't feel terrible, he almost felt fine. Sure, he had been almost in tears at the time, but it was different now. And he had no idea why.

  Okay, fine. Maybe he had some kind of an idea why, but it was nothing. It couldn't be, because then it would mean feeling some kind of a similar way about Keith as he did about Allura.

  It would mean he relied on Keith and felt some kind of... way, about Keith.

  Which he didn't, and of course that meant he was extremely high strung. He needed to relax. Maybe he just needed to go on a date.

  He had met this girl called Plaxca the other day. Maybe he could arrange something last minute.

  But he couldn't stop thinking about Keith. Keith was great, and even though hey weren't great friends, Keith had been kind to him in a way no one else had. Keith was a great friend.

  But... the way Lance was thinking about him hinted something more. Even though he was a friend.

  Okay, maybe Lance needed that date more than he thought. He needed to distract himself from Keith and that was final.

  So he dialed Plaxca's phone, waiting until she picked up.

  "Plaxca speaking", Said the voice in the end.

  "Hey Plaxca, it's Lance. Say, do you want to go out on that date I promised you?"

  On the other line Plaxca laughed, "I thought I'd never ask."

  "So, I take that as a yes."

  "Do I need to spell it out for you?" Plaxca laughed.


  Plaxca laughed again, "Y-e-s."

  "Cool, so instead of that cafe we last met-" Lance promised himself it wasn't because he had taken Keith there. "-I'll meet you at the field across the road, we can walk from there."

  "Okay," Plaxca said reluctantly, "But what's wrong with the cafe we went to last time."

  "Oh, nothing to worry about. I've just visited it a bit much lately."

  "Okay," Plaxca said, now happy with their arrangement. "Although there is one small thing."

  "What's that?"

  "What time are we meeting?"

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