Chapter 17

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Dedicated to anxietiyspacee ?? Thank you for support,, ily,,, have good day everyone

Keith was bored, even though he was doing the same thing he always does. Browse tumblr for memes and gay shit. It was a cycle really. And next thing he knew it was an hour later. Another hour would fly by, and soon his whole day would be gone.

  He snapped his laptop shut decisively, he didn't feel like getting into that cycle again, especially with all the discourse he always encountered.

  Fucking homophobes.

  Keith sighed and picked up his phone. He wondered what the smaller internet was doing. And the small angry shark man as well he supposed.

  "Lonce. Lonce what"


  "LOnce what you doing?"


  Keith waited for a little longer for an expansion but no answer came. He scoffed and took matters into his own hands, ringing Lance instead.

  "Keith, what the fuck?" Lance asked. He actually said that phrase a lot, so it shouldn't have made Keith feel shaky and insecure. But maybe it was because this time Lance sounded genuinely annoyed, when usually he was clearly joking.

  Maybe it was because Lance had a lot of Keith's feelings in his hands, and Keith had only just realised. Maybe Lance was feeling like Keith's welcome was wearing out.

  Keith realised that even in his head his thoughts were jumbled, and their language was terrible and grammatically incorrect.

  "I was bored," Keith said tentatively, "So I thought I'd say... hi. And, um, see if you wanted to hang out?"

  "Keith, I'm a little busy," Lance said. His voice sounded strained and... tired. No— wary.

  "Oh, um, ok."

  "Lance, hurry up or I swear I will start Brooklyn Nine Nine without you," A voice said in the back ground.

  A fumbling noise disturbs the line before it cuts off, leaving Keith dumbstruck.

He had honestly thought they were becoming better friends but this, this wasn't good. He supposed it was alright, Lance's time shouldn't have to be solely dedicated to him.

That wouldn't be fair. He flopped down on his couch and opened his laptop. What should he do? He literally had no idea. Maybe he should just get back on tumblr, but if he did that then he'd just spend five hours scrolling.

He ended up opening YouTube and checking his subscriptions. None of them were active, which to be honest was expected - most of them were taking a break for, like, mental health reasons.

He didn't really feel like looking at shitty ryden edits, which were the majority of his feed, so he just clicked on a random music video for background.

He sank down into the cushions and just... took time to think. It had been a while since he did that. In the end he decided that he'd take a self care day, something he hadn't done in a really long time, which wasn't great. He turned off notifications for tumblr and Twitter, which were literally the only social media platforms he used.

It was only when he was in the shower when he just let his thoughts flow unhindered. It was always like this, you know when you're in the shower, and there's nothing to do but think? And you just start thinking of all this random shit, and it's faintly amusing, but not really because you're too busy disassociating? Because that's what was happening with Keith.

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