Chapter 20

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"So we study," Lance smiled. "I don't see the big deal."

  And they really fucking studied. They were up at least 72 solid hours, just helping Keith study.

  It felt nice. It felt like he was cared about.

  It was late at night when they had the conversation again. They'd been studying for god knows how long, and Keith was emotional and wanted to cry and suddenly it just hit him that everything was so wrong.

  So Keith kicks off the conversation by bursting into tears, "Lance," He said. "It's a fucking mess."

  Lance didn't know what the fuck Keith was talking about.

  "We don't even have soulmates, so we can't be with anyone." He felt guilty, he supposed. He knows it's probably self esteem issues or mental health or something. But it wasn't something he could control.

  Lance frowned and pulled Keith into a hug, "Are you fucking dumb?" He asked, he was just trying to lighten the mood.

  Keith shrugged.

  "Keith, maybe they missed us out, either way, they gave us the freedom to love whoever we want to love, right? And I think I know who I want to love."

  Keith allowed a grin, "That's so cheesy."

  "It's supposed to be cheesy."

  Keith smiled again, and he felt all tingly inside. He felt good about the whole ordeal again.

  "But you know not everyone has a soulmate, and not everyone's soulmate loves them. There are obviously mistakes in the system, so maybe we're not the mistakes. The whole system is fucked up."

  Keith smiled and poked Lance in the stomach, "Look at you, you edgelord." He took a shaky step forward and collapsed into Lance, hugging him so tightly.

  They kind of stay there for a while, before Lance leans in again.

  And this time was more emotional, even though they've pretty much had this talk. Maybe it's because Keith didn't really want to say anything again, and now they're dating he needs validation, and Lance is acknowledging that and saying Keith is valid and important to him.

  Either way, this time when they kiss it's salty, and they're crying. Why are they crying? They don't know, but they know it's happy. They're happy.

  Maybe it's the release from the constraint of not having a soulmate, but either way, Keith reached out to wipe away Lance's tears.

Oof sorry for the v short chapter but this is the end ig

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