Chapter 9

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Keith was still extremely angry at his situation. It was mainly Shiro. All Shiro saw was what he used to be, and maybe he still had parts of his old self, but was that such a bad thing? Emos weren't bad. Emos contribute to society and they are still valid people.

But he still figured that he'd better go to work.

It would be a long day, he knew that much, and hours of packing boxes, he was ready for lunch. And you should know he wasn't really into a lunch sort of set up, he usually preferred to be alone. Now he was willing Lance to stumble across him and invite him to lunch.

Of course, that never happened. Lance had gone silent. He'd only seen the ghost of Lance at work, a sliver of his usual self, and he seemed to be ignoring Keith.

  Okay, so maybe Keith should have expected this, considering his rude *reaction* to all things Life, but it still hurt. At he was still annoyed at himself for caring so much. It was just that Lance was the first person to treat him like a human being in a long time, and he was always so happy and enthusiastic and—

  Keith! Keith scolded himself. You realise this is your fault. All your fucking fault. Don't dwell on it or you'll feel even more shit.

  Keith gave himself a mental shrug. After all, he wasn't wrong.

  He sighed, reaching for his phone. He figured if he was going to mope he might as well hate life with millions of other angsty emo/gay/fandom people. That's right— tumblr.

  He whipped up an cynical, the-world-is-shit text post and started scrolling through his feed, mostly gay ships. A bit of Drarry here and there. Okay, fine. Mostly Drarry.

  Unfortunately the moment he found a fluffy, well drawn post, he was interrupted. Of course Allura just had to ring him at that moment.

  "Keith, I'm in a spot of bother." Allura's voice on the other end sounded marginally panicked, although she attempted to downplay it.


  "I have to break some unfortunate news and I can't do it alone. Please. I really need someone with me. We'll meet at that cafe Lance said he took you to that one time. Thank you so much."

  The call ended, and Keith knew that despite Allura not asked whether he would do it or not, he wouldn't bail on her. If he was honest, he would have obliged whether she asked him or not.

  He gathered his things, which was literally just his phone and wallet, and hopped in his shitty car, trying to remember where to go.

  He got there quite quickly— it turned out he remembered the way better than he thought. He noticed Allura's car parked out the front (it was a pretty good car), and Lance's shotty car too.

  Keith groaned as he realised the implications of this. Lance was the one Allura was breaking the news to, evidently. Keith didn't want to be there when Lance was disappointed. He didn't want Lance to associate him with that same disappointment. Plus Lance was avoiding him.

  He considered leaving, telling Allura something important came up. But he didn't. He stayed against his better judgement, and walked through the door.

  Allura waved him over, and Lance sat next to Allura, looking glum.

  "Oh, Keith. I'm so glad you came." She began a mindless chatter, with no real meaning behind it, although a lot of anxiety.

"Okay, Allura, get to the point." Lance said wearily, dragging a hand down his face and squeezing his eyes shut with exhaustion. "Keith is obviously here for a reason, and I just really need to get going."

"Oh," Allura said, her eyes wide with surprise, "This may be heard to hear, but I couldn't keep it to myself, knowing that I was lying to you. You're not my soulmate, Lance. I love you, just... not that way." She smiled sadly. "I have a soulmate, and I don't want to talk about it, but he's not you."

Keith looked from Allura to Lance with wide eyes, shocked at what was going down.

Lance narrowed his eyes and pushed his chair back, causing it to make a scraping sound. The whole cafe turned to look at the table, but Lance didnt seem to care, stalking into the bathroom without a word.

Keith gestures helplessly, "I should..." he snapped his mouth shut, lost for words and ran after Lance.

Lance looked up as Keith walked in. He pushed himself away from the basin in a jerky motion and sighed. "Pidge warned me about this." He said. "She asked if Allura reciprocates my feelings you know. I'm so stupid. I thought I could finally be happy. I thought maybe I'd found my soulmate. But I was wrong. I don't have a soulmate. I'm so fucking dumb."

Keith put his hand on Lance's shoulder, a soft movement. "Lance." His voice was soft too. "I don't have a soulmate either, so. Suck. It. Up. You don't see me moping, now do you?" His voice bit out harshly, so at odds with his physical actions.

Lance tensed up, "You know what Keith? I have been so tolerant of you. I even bought you lunch, I befriended you when no one else wanted to. They call you a freak, you know. Leave me alone." He shook Keith's hand off his shoulder and stalked off, leaving Keith standing there, in front of the sink, watching him.

But it had worked. Lance was no longer thinking of Allura. And it seemed that was all that mattered. He left the bathroom in time to see Lance's car pull out and drive away.

Keith walked past Allura, and she made a grab for his arm. The smile she wore was grateful.

"Don't touch me." Keith snarled. "You have no idea how much that boy loved you. I can't believe you called me here for this."

Allura looked appalled, "You don't even particularly like Lance. You're always so annoyed at him."

Keith shifted uncomfortably, "That doesn't mean he has to be in pain . . ."

Allura's face fell, but she said nothing.

Klance soulmate au //COMPLETED//Where stories live. Discover now