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"Lance," Keith groaned, "What the fuck? What is it?"

Lance smirked and pulled Keith back against his lips, "Why is it," He spoke between kisses, "That the romance authors were right? Huh? How come kissing you is like fireworks and your touch is electric?"

Keith laughed softly against Lance's lips, "You're just overly excited, Lance," He murmured. "You're like a puppy."

Lance yelped in outrage, "Shuddup. Am not."

Keith shrugged and pulled away.

"Hey, hey!" Lance protested, "What the fuck are you doing?"

Keith grinned, "Lance. We were going to order in food."

"Oh," Lance brightened, "Oh yeah!"

"And I already ordered it," Keith poked Lance in the stomach, "Lucky for you. It's here, so I'll be back in a few minutes," He smiled and disappeared down the stairs.

Keith came back up with plastic bags strung around his arms, "Lance, what the fuck are you doing?" He asked when his head popped back up.

Lance laughed, "What do you think I'm doing? We're gonna watch every single one of all the Doctor Who Christmas Specials."

Keith scoffed, but it was hollow, he was so fucking soft over Lance. It was like someone had made a pastel edit of him and all the dark was draining out of his soul. Goodbye what remained of the emo in him, hello wholesomeness.

Lance flopped down on Keith's sofa and smiled up at Keith. God, he was so soft, Keith was trying so hard not to smile. It was fucking hard.

He gave in so quickly it was pathetic.

"Sit down, idiot," Lance grinned.

Keith shrugged and flopped down as Lance commanded, right on top of Lance.

"Your elbows are sharp," Lance winced, "What hideous mutation are you?"

Keith laughed and moved over so his head rested on the opposite arm of the sofa to where Lance's head rested. Their feet met in the middle and tangled together.

Keith tried to watch the show. He really did, it's just that his eyes kept drifting over to Lance's face.

"What are you looking at?" Lance raised an eyebrow, a smile creeping over his face. "Wait, wait, don't answer that. I just, I need to tell you something. I've been meaning to for a while now," He took a deep shaky breath and hid his face in his hands, "Sorry, I'm just kind of nervous. This is like, it's like, trust issues now. Not your fault," His voice was muffled and his peeked through his hands to look over at Keith.

"Ok, ok, I can totally do this. Um, so, basically it's just that I didn't think that I'd be doing this with you. I mean like, emphasis on you. No offence or anything, but this romantic shit? I thought I'd be doing it with Allura. Well, I actually hoped. That never would've happened anyway."

Keith frowned, "Lance, you know that's not your fault. And it's not Allura's either. Allura was Shiro's soulmate, but Shiro's gay and with Adam and... she just never felt attraction to anyone. I think she's aromantic, which is fine, but she hurt both of you when she was trying to fit in which is not okay."

"It's not o-fucking-kay," Lance murmured.

"Huh?" Keith smiled sleepily at Lance. He'd looked soft and sleepy all week.

Lance deadpanned a look at Keith, "Well if you wanted honesty that's all you had to say."

Keith's mouth opened until he was the embodiment of the surprised Pikachu meme, which is outdated but there's really no other way to describe it. He tackled Lance in a hug and leaned down until Lance thought Keith was going to kiss him.

But he didn't. Instead, he said, "You watched it!"

And Lance had indeed watched it. He figured that it was Keith, and he had figured out a long time ago that he would probably do just about anything for Keith.

And sure, after what had happened with Allura that had scared him at first. But only because he knew that this was what having a soulmate was supposed to be like.

Which was super cheesy

A//N im screeching, so i guess this story is really over, huh? also im thinking that maybe i'll take some requests if yall have prompts you wanna read, just like specify storylines and protagonists and genres and ill see what i can do?? ok i think ive embarrassed myself enough with this author's note, ill let myself out

@ me when editing this 'what the actual hell did i just read i hate it goodbye forever lemme just find a bridge

ill leave some social media shit over on the last chapter ig?? or ill leave it here?? ok thanks

come scream at me on tumblr https://crabsthinkfishfly.tumblr.com/  its literally the same url i have on wattpad lol
  And that's about it

Also I was gonna make Allura aro or Demiromantic ace so she would end up with Romelle in the sequel I'm probably never gonna write. Sorry about that.

Klance soulmate au //COMPLETED//Where stories live. Discover now