Chapter 14

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Lance was wrecked. He was fucking exhausted, and he's so close to breaking down. Like, so fucking close. If he hit one more red light when he's five minutes away from his house, well. He was either going to laugh and cry. To be honest, probably the latter.

Soon as he got home, he planned on having a nice nap. Maybe some music, maybe a hot chocolate or something. Believe you me, he has nothing against coffee, but he got the feeling he didn't need any more caffeine in his system.

Ugh, what a terrible weekend... Lance's Abuela had been disappointed to no end. And she was way more passive aggressive than anything, leaving Lance stepping on eggshells. It was hardly Lance's fault that he was lacking a soulmate. And it didn't take much for his Abuela to get it out of him.

He groaned as he pulled into his car park. He still had to walk a way away, his apartment hadn't exactly provided a car park.

But it was only a short walk. It was fine. Except for the cold. Man, that cold. That cold was horrible. Terrible. To die for.


But it didn't take long to get back home, and it certainly didn't take long to take a fluffy blanket. And it sure as hell didn't take long to become a human burrito with a hot chocolate in hand.

He sighed, telling himself he'd get up in five minutes and do something productive - like studying. Oh crap, his eyes widened. Studying. He hadn't studied in so long. He hadn't gone to classes in so long. A scholarship can only get you so far. Especially only a partial scholarship.

  It didn't matter now anyway. He was so sleepy and warm. He'd only close his eyes for a second. Just a second . . .

  He opened his eyes blearily and checked the time on his phone.

  Damn. It was only on 1%. He'd just have to check the time on his laptop.

  He opened his laptop, and his mouth made a little 'o' of surprise. Shit damn, it was the next day already. And shit damn he was late for fucking work.

  If he was completely honest, which he usually wasn't, he was kinda sorta possibly planning to bail on work. Except you couldn't, because, you know, money.

  Fuck. He hoped Keith wouldn't be there.

  Of course Keith was there when Lance pulled in. Just Lance's fucking luck.

  He ducked his head down and tried to avoid Keith's gaze. He wasn't sure why he had thought it would work. The gods frowned upon his fortune. They fucking hated him.

  "Dude," Keith said as he wandered up to Lance. "You thought that would work? We work together. Fucking amateur."

  Lance scoffed, "Excuse you, I need money."

  Keith shrugged, "Doesn't explain why you were avoiding me for days. Seriously, I get no warning. I thought you were dead or something."

  "Aww, Keithy, you really do care."

  "Whatever. We need to talk."

  It wasn't exactly a confrontation that worked in Lance's favour, but he agreed to talk during their break. They were lucky their break fell at the same time. Or unlucky. Whichever way you look at it.

  From Lance's perspective, it was probably an unlucky thing. That being said, it was most likely because with Keith, you were pretty much guaranteed an uncomfortable subject.


  "Dude," Keith said, his hood pulled up ominously as he said, "It's time."

  "Wow, man, that's pretty morbid."

  "Well you're not exactly going to like the subject that I want to talk to you about." Keith replied.

Lance just shrugged, "Yeah I kind of figured," His tone was amiable as he sat down at a bench just outside the doors of their work. He probably looked homeless, but whatever.

"Yeah, well, I need to talk to you about the whole soulmate thing."

"Dude," Was Lance's only response.

"How worthy do you think you are?" Keith asked quietly.



"Dude, I'm so unworthy I don't even get a soulmate."

"Oh yeah?" Keith challenged. "How worthy do you think I am?"


"Even with my lack of a soulmate?"

"Oh," Lance said quietly, staring at his feet. "Okay."

"So," Keith said, "I don't have a soulmate, but I'm worthy, right? But you don't either and that makes you unworthy?"

"It makes more sense in my head," Lance muttered.

"Damn right," Keith replied with a smile.

"So really, that just means there's a different reason for me being unworthy."

  Lance has always been stubborn. Sometimes he's proud of it, sometimes he isn't. This was the result.

  "Lance!" Keith said in frustration. "Listen to what I'm trying to tell you. Jesus fuck, for someone so smart you really don't get anything, do you? I'm trying to tell you that you're worthy!"

  Lance blinked, "Oh." He swallowed, "Why do you think that?"

  Keith snorted, "Lance, you're extremely worthy, and if I listed of reasons why you're worthy, we would be here for a while."

  Keith smiled a little, "And you know the whole deal with Allura not being your soulmate? Turns out she already has a soulmate."

  Lance raised his eyebrows. "Who? Why do I never see her with him?" He drew in a little gasp, "Is he dead?" He whispered.

  Keith smiled smugly, "Nope. He's Shiro."



  "But Shiro's Gay. And taken."

  "Correction," Keith said. "Not taken. Engaged."

  Lance's eyes widened, and so did his smile, "What? Dude that's amazing. We should tell everyone! Who's planning their wedding?" His eyes suddenly widened and he started shaking Keith's shoulders urgently, "What if we're not invited?" He wailed.

  Keith smiled and caught Lance's hands mid flail, "Calm down, Lance. Of course we're invited. Dude you need to chill."

  Lance glowered, but he couldn't help the smile spreading across his face. "Wanna ditch work? We totally could. Get some cake and celebrate? I'm sure Adam and Shiro would love to come."

  Keith raised his eyebrow, "You're the one that said you need to come to work. 'Because money,' you said."

  Lance shrugged, "It's fine. You're gonna be the one paying, after all."

  Keith shrugged, "Usually I would say no, but you're right. This deserves to be celebrated."

  Lance cheered.

  "But," Keith said, "I'll only pay if you admit that you're worthy. And you have to mean it."

  They ended up getting cake.

So I'm out here writing and waiting for my form class to open and it's currently 7 59 so the school wifi doesn't even turn on yet, but hey
  Tokyo ghoul downloaded off Netflix, am I right?

  Anyway, an update on how close we are to finishing this story - were on chapter 14 and there are to be 21 chapters and an epilogue, you do the math.
  Oh who am I kidding? You're reading fan fiction, you're it going to do math. That's around 8 chapter left!

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