Chapter 8

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Lance was currently at work, a side effect of Saturday. Normally this wouldn't be too bad, after all, a side effect of work was money, but Keith was ignoring him, and he was wearing black. Not to mention a lip piercing that was kind of hot. Not that Lance thought so.

"Hey, Keith," Lance wandered over. "Wanna grab some lunch soon?"

Keith sighed irritably and took a step back, "No."

Lance raised his eyebrows, "Why not?" He asked in much the same manner Keith had. "It's not like you have anything better to do."

Keith shrugged, "If I'm honest, anything is better than what you're proposing. I'll probably just hang outside and listen to music."

"That's loitering you know."

"You think I care?"

Lance was taken aback, and scrambled to make amends quickly, "What music were you planning to listen to?"

Keith shrugged, "Emo Trinity, Green Day, Good Charlotte, Black Veil Brides. The works."

Lance bit his lip, "Oh." He barely knew those songs, and he felt Keith drifting away more every second. He didn't even know why he cared but he did. Keith had acted so cold, and it all happened after the 'date'. Keith had stormed off, and Lance was certain it was his fault. He knew it, and he spared himself no details.

Keith would never act the same around Lance at all. It was all Lance's fault and he had ruined their
friendship. Ruined, ruined, ruined.

He cursed himself, reminded himself of all his faults.

"You see? This is why you can't have friends, Lance. You ruin everything."

Lance said nothing to argue with that. It was fact, plain and simple. He was a terrible person, and to be honest, he didn't blame Keith for acting like this, not when it was around Lance.

Incoming call: Allura

Lance picked up his phone, swiping his thumb to the left to allow the phone call through.

"Lance," Allura said, a smile in her voice. "I was just wondering if you wanted to meet me at that cafe we like in, oh, five minutes?"

Now, normally Lance would have rejoiced at this idea, especially as Allura had called Lance first, so he wasn't sure why he suddenly didn't care. And it was true, he didn't care that Allura wanted to meet up with him. Maybe he was just going through a mourning period - after all, he was entirely sure the friendship Lance and Keith shared was now dead.

"Okay." Lance said finally, all emotion gone from his voice. "I'll come."

And so it was that Lance found himself opening the door to the cafe Allura liked so much, sitting down without a trace of a smile.

Allura began to talk about something excitedly, moving her hands about wildly.

Normally Lance would have been entranced, gazing at Allura, watching her movements. Now? Not so much.

Allura narrowed her eyes, leaning forward. "Lance, are you okay?" She asked, genuine concern in her eyes.

"Hmm?" Lance barely looked up from his clasped hands, "Yes, just perfect."

Allura frowned, "Lance," She said very seriously. "I promise to leave you to your privacy, but if you are hurting, I promise you can tell me."

Lance nodded. He stood up, brushing himself down even though his clothes were impeccable. "I promised Pidge that I would meet up with her later. I'll see you later?" He offered Allura the first smile he had given all day, and it was still forced.

Allura looked somewhat taken aback, and for once Lance didn't ask what was wrong, or comfort her.

"Lance!" Pidge called, waving her hands from her usual spot on her roof. "What are you doing here?"

  Lance shrugged, walking inside Pidge's house and up the stairs, climbing out of the window in order to reach her. "It's all a mess, Pidge. Everything's a mess." He sighed and sat down next to Pidge, his knees drawn up in front of him.

  "What's a mess?" Pidge asked, "What's wrong, Lance. You have to tell me." Pidge wasn't used to seeing Lance like this. Lance never showed this side of himself.

  "It's Keith, Allura, Hunk, just everything!" He took a deep breath, calming himself. "But mostly Keith."

  "That tells me nothing." Pidge replies impatiently.
  "Fine. Keith is mad at me, something feels off about Allura, and Hunk is convinced that Allura isn't my soulmate. Which is, by the way, entirely untrue. I adore Allura."

  Pidge narrowed her eyes, "But is it reciprocated? How does she act around you? Is she equally infatuated?"

  "I don't know." Lance cowered under Pidge's harsh barrage of questions, his voice sounding broken. "And I have no idea why Keith is such a problem. I barely know him."

  Pidge leaned back, her chin resting on clasped hands. "I don't know what to tell you, Lance. I'm just no good with this sort of thing."

  Lance nodded placidly, "I know. I just needed to get it out."

  "Any idea why you're so attached to him? Keith I mean." Pidge asked, suddenly curious and scooting closer.

  "How should I know? Why does it matter? I mean, friends care about each other, right?"

  "Friends, huh?" Pidge shot Lance a smirk. "Well in that case, go talk to him. Friends do that y'know."

  Lance shook his head in dismay. "Me? Talk to Keith? Have you met Keith? I think not."

  Pidge shrugged, pushing her glasses up her nose, "Your choice, Lance. You could make this better. Don't come crying to me when everything goes awry."

  Lance shrugged, "If you say so."

  And just like that the conversation was over. Pidge went back to typing and Lance looked up at the sky, gazing up at the clouds.

  It was a gloomy sort of a day, and he supposed it was fitting. It suited his mood as he thought of his current situation. All of his problems were reflected in the cloud, getting bigger and bigger. Aaaand... it was about to rain.

  The two hurried inside, working to shield Pidge's computer. To make up for the lack of sun, Pidge grabbed the two of them snacks and heaped up blankets and pillows from all over the house. Then, bringing Pidge's laptop into the mix, they opened Netflix and debated what to watch.

  They called Hunk and asked - no, ordered him to come over. They made a mound of pillows and blankets and settled in, chattering comfortably.

  It was nice, and it almost distracted Lance from his troubles. Stress on almost. He knew he'd have to make a decision, and soon. Otherwise it would be too late. But for now... well. For now Lance was happy with procrastinating.

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