All I Want For Christmas Is To Be Left Alone. Ok, And Maybe You

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So i finally finished the christmas special and gave it a name. Yeah i started again last night... Oops. Well enjoy?

Keith had never had a diary before. He failed to see the use of them, at least until shit hit the fan. Now they were kind of a therapist to him. Was that the right analogy? He wasn't sure - there weren't really any openings for therapists in space, and before space, Keith never needed to vent his feelings. He knew it was unhealthy to keep emotions bottled up - or at least he'd read it somewhere - so here he was, venting to an inanimate object.

So that's why he was alone in his room, in the dark, on Christmas.

It wasn't that he wasn't allowed, after all, it was the team's day off. It was just that the others couldn't understand why he wanted to be alone on Christmas. Especially after Hunk had told Allura.

Now everyone was looking for him under Allura's orders - she was determined to participate in the Earth tradition. He really didn't want to face anyone on Christmas, mainly because he had just divulged all of his flaws to an inanimate object that seemed to know him more than the rest of his team, who, as he'd like to point out, he lived with. And he'd pointed out the issues he had with each person (mostly how he couldn't interact with them which was entirely his fault).

"Keith, you gotta come out." Lance's voice was getting really close, but it made sense that he would target Keith's own room. It wasn't exactly rocket science.


"Because if we have to suffer through this, then you do too. Plus, Allura is really excited about this, you can't let her down, can you?"

Keith put his book away and looked up at Lance. Once Lance had a satisfactory view of Keith's face, Keith rolled his eyes. Hey, you gotta make those eye rolls count, y'know?

"And you're here to make Allura happy, I'd wager," Keith smiled up at Lance sweetly, pairing almost scathing words with angelic sweetness. It was funny to watch people scramble to tell what he meant.

"What? What do you mean? No! It's not like my life revolves around her," Lance laughed and smiled, but even Keith could tell it was super awkward. His heart just wasn't in it - Lance had never been a good liar.

"If that's so, then you won't mind putting her wishes off for an hour and going swimming with me for an hour," Keith said, he raised an eyebrow at Lance and smiled. He was totally flirting, but it was mild. Lance wouldn't notice.

"Mm," Lance murmured, appraising Keith, "You're totally on."

Keith laughed when Lance sprinted off, probably to get changed or something. He knew he should go out and interact with the team - it was Christmas after all, but all he really wanted to do was hang out with Lance.

He would definitely be able to do this - it was Christmas. And he wouldn't have to experience the usual social anxiety today, because it was just Lance. Lance didn't trigger his social anxiety anymore, but like, it was never severe social anxiety, more like h was a severe introvert who didn't like to interact with people otherwise he felt like he was boring people and they really didn't deserve to have to speak to him.

So that was fun.

"Keith, are you ready?" Lance asked from the doorway.

"Fokkin' ready," Keith called back.

Lance laughed, "Hurry up then."

Keith obliged, and they walked toward the pool in silence.

"If I remember right, there are two pools, and I'm pretty sure one's a bit weird, so we go right I believe."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2019 ⏰

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