Chapter 3

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Louis slowly opened his eyes, when he finally had them fully open he realised someone was standing in front of him, laughing.
Louis looked around, then he looked down. Fucking hell, he was hard, thanks to a dream, about Harry.
That's just weird, the fuck, I am straight!

Liam continued to laughing as he stared at Louis.

- The fuck you laughing at mate, don't you have anything better to do with your life? I said and gave him the bitchface

- Ooohh jesus Harry don't fucking stop! Liam whined

- Fucking STOP! You heard and saw nothing you bitch! If you ever so much think about telling anyone, especially Harry, then you're fucked mate.

- Uhhm, tell me what?

No fucking way.

- Oh, hi Harry!

How am I supposed to look him in the eyes when he just had a dream where he got sucked off by him.

- I CAN'T FUCKING BREATHE! Liam shouted as he ran away laughing like he had wittnessed the funniest thing ever, what was so funny about this. It's not like it's his fault that he had dreamt about Harry, also, it could've been anyone. I am actually straight.

- Uhm, what did you do to make Liam literally die from laughter? Harry asked as he sat down next to me, smiling.

I moved away a little bit from him, also trying to hide my boner that still hadn't gone away.

- I dunno. I just answered looking away

- Okay, well by the way, I was thinking, would you like to hang out tomorrow? We could go to my place, or yours if you'd like that better. Harry said, his dimples showing

I couldn't resist the urge so I poked them
- You have cute dimples Harold

- What? He looked confused and shocked

- What? I said like I hadn't done anything

Harry moved a little bit closer and looked at my eyes
- You have very beautiful eyes Louis.

My mind shut down, what am I supposed to do? Think, fucking THINK LOUIS

- I like your socks, they're black.

What did I just do. He looked at me with a strange look.

- Uhm, thanks I guess. He said and laughed, showing his dimples again, shit I can't contain this anymore.

- Uhm I gotta go, my mom is here to pick me up. I said and quickly stood up

- Oh okay, have a good further day! Oh by the way, what about hanging out tomorrow?! He yelled after me

- Text me about it! You have my number Harold! I yelled back and smiled.

I stepped out of the door, walking over to my moms car. She was actually here, it wasn't just a bad excuse that I made up to get away from Harry.

I swung the passangerdoor open and sat myself down

- Hi honey, how was your day?

-  It was good.

- Ah, and Harry?

- What do you mean?

- You two seem to have a very nice relationship. To be honest, she shipped it, Harry seemed to be a nice young man, perfect for his little Louis.

- Uhm, you know were just friends right? I'm in fact straight.

- Oh, I was just wondering. You know I love you no matter what darling.

He was in fact straight, or he thought so, he wanted to think so. But then this boy showed up, with his brown messy hair that he just couldn't keep his hands away from, and then his green eyes, who he could stare at all day if he'd let him. I mean, even his lips they look so soft and he's so cuddly and-, wait what.

Why does his mind always race off track? He and Harry was just platonic friends, you can like a mates eyes, I mean, just because I think someone has nice eyes doesn't mean I'm in love with him- her, I mean.

My thoughts were suddenly cut off by my phone signal

- Hello?

- Hi Louis!

- Oh Harry.. Hi!

- I was just wondering about tomorrow?

- Yes right, uhm, I think I'd like to come. Send me the adress?

- Yes of course! What are you up to at the moment?

- Just in the car with me mom, why?

- I was kind of thinking, uhm, would you maybe want to have a sleep over, from tonight until tomorrow, but like, still hang out tomorrow too. Just to get to know eachother better.

- Oh, uuhm, why the bloody heck not? I'll come over at 8, if that's okay?

- Yeah! Have a safe ride home, lo- uhm, bye!

What have I draggen myself into?
Actually, it shouldn't and it wont be any problems. We're just two bros chilling!

* Hehehe, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Next one will be Louis and Harrys sleepover, yay! All the love! *

I can't think straight anymore | Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now