Chapter 17

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The next morning I woke up to something very, special you could say. I was at first very dizzy and tired as heck, but then I quickly opened my eyes as I realised that I was feeling quite a feeling down there.

Harry almost moaned while his lips were sucking around my dick.

- Holy fuck Harry what- I started but I quickly got interrupted by someone with a mouth filled with dick

- Shh

- Baby you- fuck that's good. Little deeper hmm?

- I woke up before you did so I thought I'd surprise you by giving you some wood. He said before he took my dick even deeper down in his throat

- God I'm going to fucking cum Harold

- That's the point

- Don't be sassy you little brat. I moaned out

- That's not a way to talk to your princess is it? He said and pouted his lips

- I would want to wreck you so fucking bad at the moment, make my little princess come over and over again-

- Oh fuck yes please Lou

- but I'm not going to. I finished with

Harry quickly pulled his mouth off my dick and stared with a very not  amused look at me.

- But Lou-

- I'm sorry love, I would love to though. Now would you mind finish what you've started down there? I asked nodding towards my erect dick

- Why?

- Because I'm rock hard and it's not very nice?

- No Lou I meant why can't you fuck me? He asked actually sounding really sad

- Oh! It's not about you love, did you forget we've got an interview today?
I promise I'll fuck you until you forget you name tonight okay?

- Oh shit I had forgotten! Fuck what time is it?

- Language Harold. The interview is at 12 I believe and it's twenty minutes past ten at the moment.

- Holy mother of christ Louis why didn't you say anything earlier god my hair takes like an hour to fix! He said and rushed up from the bed

- Are you really just going to leave me here? Also by the way your hair looks stunning even when you've just woken up so I don't think it's a problem really. I half yelled as Harry rushed into the bathroom while I had started to jerk myself off

I didn't get an answer though, I guessed he was fixing his hair or something that apparently was more important than sucking his boyfriend off.

I started to think about the word boyfriend, I remember how good it felt to call Harry my boyfriend back in the days when we had just revealed that we liked eachother. It still feels good, it feels even more than good. But it could feel better, to claim him as only mine. Not that I'm a control freak because I literally have no control over anything, but it's like yeah he's my boyfriend and we're dating. Wouldn't it feel great to just be able to call him mine and only mine, to be able to call him my husband.

Shit did my brain just come up with the conclusion that I should propose, while I was jerking off.

I suddenly almost jumped out off our bed as I got caught of from my daydreaming by someone standing in front of our bed with a hair brush in his hair yelling my name.

- Holy fucking shit you can't scare me like that Haz I almost got a fricking heart attack man

- Never have I seen you so far away from reality while jerking off. He said and laughed

I can't think straight anymore | Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now