Chapter 5

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I woke up and slowly opened my eyes, I looked around and noticed that I was alone. Where the fuck had my sweet puppy Harold gone? No wait, I mean, where had Harry gone?

I sat up in the bed and put my feet on the cold floor. Nothing had happened by the way, we just went to bed and fell to sleep like two bros.

I stood up and started walking in to the kitchen, where I was friendly greeted by Harry.
Or maybe not so friendly, more like lovely.

- Goodmorning hedgehoge. He said while showing his dimples

- What did you call me?

- Oh, I'm sorry.. you just kind of look like a hedgehoge with that messy hair. He said and walked over to me to kiss my cheek.

- I'm not a fucking hedgehoge! I would describe myself more as a handsome tuff guy.

- Sure Lou. He said and kissed me again before he walked back to the stove again.

- What are you cooking? I asked as I walked over to him and kissed him back on the cheek.

- Oh, uhm, it's my special Harry pancakes!

- Harry pancakes? What makes them so special?

- It's just, uhhh...

He seemed to have a hard time figuring out something to come up with

- They're just normal pancakes aren't they?

- Mm yeah you could say so I guess...

I walked over to the kitchen table and sat down. 

- Hey I don't want your kittenbutt on my table! He yelled at me

I stood up and was mildly annoyed. Like what the fuck, I'm not a kitten, nothing is wrong with my butt and I place it where ever I want to place it.

- Calm down Lou, it was a joke. You have a very fine butt.

I looked at him with the weirdest expression I could make.

- But of course, I meant that in a fRiEndLy WaY.

- Are you fucking making fun of me?

- No? What makes you believe such a horrible thing?

- Shut your mouth, you know I'm older and bigger than you Harold. I can easily take you down in like one second.

- Not that I would really mind. He said and shrugged.

Okay but why the fuck did that kind of turn me on? I'm sure he meant in a, uhm, friendly way.


We were in the middle of eating breakfast, the pancakes actually tasted special, the fuck, when Harrys phone went off.

- Hello? Oh hi Simon. Oh okay.. Yeah sure! Yeah I'll tell them!

He ended the call and put his phone back on the table.

- Simon called, we are apparently going to have an interview today.

- Oh, well that's fun!

- Yeah, but I have to call everyone else in the band too to tell them. Simon didn't have time.

- He's kind of a bitch. But atleast you don't have to call me! I said and blew him a kiss as I stood up from the table

- Where are you going?

- I need to pack my things before we leave, also I need to fix myself for the interview.

- Oh, but I mean you don't really need to fix anything. You look hot anyways.

I can't think straight anymore | Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now