Chapter 21

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It had now been a couple months since we got married and I'm still so fucking happy I decided to propose. Today was new years eve by the way and the time was beginning to get close to midnight.

- God why can't we have a midnight fuck instead of a kiss Lou? Harry whined from where he was standing next to me on the balcony looking out over the town.

- You will never learn not to say things like that in the company of other will you? Liam said

- Oh god shut up. Me and Harry said at the same time

- Jeeze you're like a married old couple you two. Zayn said sounding disgusted

- We are married but not old yet. I said while I was looking at Harry who was now hugging me from the side
- You are so needy Harold god

He pouted his lips and looked at me with his puppy eyes
- You mad? He said, not actually sounding concerned. He just said it teasingly

- No I could never be mad at you baby. I said and hugged him tight as I couldn't resist it anymore

- You have been though...

- When was that baby? I asked confused, I do not remember actually being mad at my Hazza

- Uhm, you remember that time I got veryyy drunk? Harry said and giggled while pushing his face into my neck. He seemed to have had a little bit too much to drink tonight aswell
- When I uhm, I accidently sat down in that guys lap that I thought was you but it later showed out it wasn't..
He continued with, the words came out a little sluddery though

- Baby I wasn't-

- No Lou wait wait. And then you took me in a rough grip and pushed me into the bathroom and you fucked me while you were pissed and great god that was so hot.

Oh god he had definetly been drinking a little more than he should have. And now it almost felt like I was going to have to agree on what Harry had said a little while ago "why can't we have a midnight fuck instead of a kiss?" Because that little speech he just had definetly had gotten my dicks attention.

- I am going to ask you for the millionth time this day to keep that fucking talk to when you're alone! It's fucking gross lads. Zayn said sounding like he actually had snapped at us

- Wow someone is snappy. Harry said and giggled once again

- Nah princess, he's just horny and pissed becauase he still hasn't gotten laid. I said and ruffled Harry's hair with my hand

- Hmm.. Harry let out in a long breath

- Louis I will fucking push you from this balcony if you don't shut your mouth now.

- I will slit your throat if you do that- Harry began to say sounding extremly aggresive but still soft and drunk. That's probably because I'm so fucking in love with him so he would  literally look soft even if he killed someone.

-  Harold! That is some really strong words princess! I said and put my hand over his mouth for him to keep quiet, and of course as the drunk and horny boy he was he had to lick the inside of my hand that was pressed against his lips.

- That doesn't affect me really Haz

- Imagine your hand being your dick though. He said and kept his gaze at me while licking small kitten licks into my hand, slowly starting to make circles with his tounge.

I quickly pulled my hand away when I began to imagine him licking around the head of my cock.

- Well fuck. I said looking down at my bulge

- Ha! Harry giggled out while also looking at my crotch

We were suddenly pulled apart from eachother by someone's hands.

- What the fu- I began to say

- You will literally fuck him over the railing if I don't stop you now. Zayn said taking his hands away from both me and Harry as we suddenly stood a few feet apart from eachother.

- Oh god that's so hot. Harry slurred

- Ooooooh it's 11:58 guys! Liam squeaked

I do find the whole thing about Liam and Zayn extremly disgusting but it's starting to really annoy me now to be honest. No one has made the first move in like four fucking years, four years. Or well, Liam was once sitting in Zayn's lap after some teasing from Zayn's side but after that everything had been so fucking cringe between them.

I took some quick steps over to where Liam stood
- Just fucking kiss him okay? Just fucking do it you fucking looser! God please it's starting to get so annoying, he likes you and you like him. Here, have him!
I said quickly before pushing Zayn over to Liam aswell so that they stood in front of eachother. Then I quickly jumped over to where Harry stood and pulled him into my chest so he was as close as possible to me without kissing.

I put my hand on Harry's ass and reached down his pocket to grab his phone.

- 11:59 bitches! I yelled

- 5, 4, 3, 2, 1! Both me and Harry yelled together

I pulled Harry's head closer to me and kissed him. Slowly trailed my tounge over his lower lip and we were suddenly making out. We heard fireworks shooting up in the sky and both of us pulled apart to watch them light up the sky in the many different colors.
That's when I looked over to my left and finally, fucking finally was Liam's and Zayn's lips locked with eachothers. I nudged Harry's side and nodded over to the other two lads two were still kissing.

- Oh my gaaawd so cute. Harry whispered and put his head onto my shoulder

After a couple seconds the other pair of boys pulled apart, they looked at eachother and Zayn pulled Liam into his side to wrap one of his arms around him so they could also stand and watch the beautiful fireworks.

After a couple minutes of watching the nightsky getting lit up me and Harry decided to walk inside and go to bed. The other boys were sleeping over at our house tonight and we decided it would probably be best to let them be by themself now.
Although thinking about it we shouldn't have left them alone, I'm okay with them kissing. But if they so much as fucking grind on eachother in my and Harry's house I will fucking slit their throat's! Oh damn that's what Harry had said earlier, he is really the only thing my brain thinks about...

*  I was going to write "HAPPY NEW YEEAR!" but then I realised it's November when I'm writing this...... :3
However bshshahha, as usually I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I wish all of you a good day/night and just a good further week over all. All the love! ♡ *

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2022 ⏰

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